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Kakayeva O., Purchikova A.




this article discusses the features of the introduction of applications in the development of a mathematical dictionary. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the impact of technology on learning processes was carried out. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, technologies, education, mathematics   

УДК 81.374

Kakayeva O.

Lecturer at the department "Exact and natural sciences"

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)


Purchikova A.

Lecturer at the department "Exact and natural sciences"

International University for the Humanities and Development

(Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)




Abstract: this article discusses the features of the introduction of applications in the development of a mathematical dictionary. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the impact of technology on learning processes was carried out. Recommendations are given for the introduction of technologies in the industry.


Keywords: analysis, method, research, technologies, education, mathematics.


The expansion of the export of educational services is one of the main conditions that contribute to the globalization of technological changes in the educational processes of society and allow positioning domestic universities not only as recognizable, but also recognized abroad. Modern information and communication technologies, which unequivocally support the globalization and internationalization of educational services and services for the export activities of universities, at the same time, predetermine their fierce competition in the world market of intellectual educational products.

Mathematical linguistics is a mathematical discipline, the subject of which is the development of a formal apparatus for describing the structure of natural and some artificial languages.

The mathematical description of the language is based on the conception of language as a mechanism that goes back to F. de Saussure, the functioning of which is manifested in the speech activity of its speakers; its result is "correct texts" - sequences of speech units that obey certain patterns, many of which allow mathematical description. The development and study of methods for the mathematical description of correct texts (primarily sentences) is the content of one of the sections of M. l. -- the theory of ways to describe the syntactic structure. To describe the structure of a sentence - more precisely, its syntactic structure - you can either single out its components - groups of words that function as integral syntactic units, or indicate for each word those words that are directly subordinate to it.

The linguistic (linguistic) corpus of texts is a large, electronically presented, unified, structured, marked up, philologically competent array of linguistic data, designed to solve specific linguistic problems. The representativeness of a corpus is understood as a necessary-sufficient and proportional representation of texts of various periods, genres, styles, authors, etc. A strictly mathematical description of representativeness is impossible, but this must be strived for both at the design stage of the corpus and at the stage of its operation.

Frequency dictionary - includes those words or other linguistic units (word forms, phrases) that are registered by the compiler in the texts (or text) examined by him. With these words, word forms, etc. the frequency of their use in these texts (text) is indicated.

The essence of content analysis - according to the external (quantitative) characteristics of the text at the level of words and phrases, plausible assumptions are made about its content plan and, as a result, conclusions are made about the peculiarities of the thinking and consciousness of the author of the text - his intentions, attitudes, desires, value orientations, etc.

In conclusion, we note, firstly, the formation of the mathematical competence of foreign students requires a student-centered approach to learning, linking together both professional modules and modules of multicultural adaptation (culture-forming modules), taking into account the ethnic and national aspect of the students psychologically, providing the opportunity to successfully receive higher professional education in a non-native language.

Secondly, the developed educational and methodological complex, which includes not only educational material and a base of exercises, but also audiovisual information and screen tools, makes it possible to put into practice an individual approach to teaching foreign students to listen, one of the main types of speech activity. The ability to independently use the audio application makes the learning process more comfortable, allows you to optimize the time for students to master the necessary speech skills in the educational and professional field.




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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (56) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Kakayeva O., Purchikova A. EXPANDING STUDENTS' MATH VOCABULARY WITH APPS // Вестник науки №11 (56) том 1. С. 265 - 267. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6405 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/6405

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