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  3. Вестник науки №8 (53) том 2
  4. Научная статья № 7

Просмотры  88 просмотров

Khanahmedova S.




the article is devoted to programming the operating modes of the battery and the braking system of the wind generator. The program is compiled using the capabilities of the Functional Block Diagram programming language of the Zelio Soft-2 program   

Ключевые слова:
wind generator, Zelio Soft-2, Programmable Logic Controller, batteries, braking system   

УДК 004.421

Khanahmedova S.

Associate professor of the Department Electromechanics

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

(Baku, Azerbaijan)





Abstract: the article is devoted to programming the operating modes of the battery and the braking system of the wind generator. The program is compiled using the capabilities of the Functional Block Diagram programming language of the Zelio Soft-2 program.


Keywords: wind generator, Zelio Soft-2, Programmable Logic Controller, batteries, braking system.


Introduction. As is known, one of the most important characteristics of life support and high rates of its development in the modern era is to ensure the effective functioning of energy supply systems. Improving energy efficiency and energy security, and moving to a rational model are priorities for the strategic development of the entire energy-consuming region. The introduction of renewable energy sources into energy buildings is a prerequisite for the implementation of the strategy under consideration. In this regard, the development of a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the potential of renewable energy sources and their involvement in the energy buildings of the region is an urgent issue. For many years, renewable energy systems have been functioning for the purpose of technological development. Despite the successful development of traditional energy in our country, this energy has a large amount of fuel, as well as investments. It is necessary to develop a new generation of control systems based on renewable energy sources, otherwise technological backwardness may become irreversible [2].

Purpose of the work. The main advantage of renewable energy systems is the absence of the need for such an important component as fuel. As an example, we can cite wind energy, or rather, the energy produced by a wind turbine or windmill, a special air-forming device. This energy can be used in two ways: to conserve mechanical energy and to convert it into electrical energy. To solve a number of emerging problems related to energy, it is more convenient to use wind power plants (keg). The performance of a wind generator directly depends on the wind speed mode in the area of its application.

The presented article is devoted to the development of software for controlling the braking system of a wind turbine of batteries and the braking system of this device using the capabilities of the FBD (Functional Block Diagram) programming language of the Zelio Soft-2 program [1].

Programming of the battery management system of wind generators. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is used to control the overload of the wind generator batteries [1]. In addition, with the help of PLC, the rotation of the blades in different directions is also controlled when exposed to wind. The process of full filling of the batteries B1-B16 is observed through the display. If the B1-B16 is fully charged, then according to the compiled program, the contacts of these batteries are disconnected from the wind turbine and automatically connected to the load. In addition, with the help of the compiled program and the use of the display, other parameters of this system are controlled. For example, it is possible to monitor the following parameters: current strength, load, transmitted power to batteries, etc. The whole process can be tracked using special indicators. Constant control of the current and voltage of the batteries is one of the main functions of the PLC. When compiling a program using special-purpose blocks, the permissible voltage price is recorded within the parameters of these blocks.

For this purpose, a program compiled in the FBD language is mainly used. In this application, the green lamp Q1 will light up as long as the battery is charging. This indicates that the energy stored in the wind generator battery is a payload for both the battery and the load. If the current value exceeds the permissible value (for example, 20 mA), the lamp gorenje will increase or the lamp will flash. The red lamp simulates the braking system through Q2. When this system is switched on, the Q2 lamp will light up and the lamp will blink depending on the degree of braking. Figure 1 shows the battery management program, and Figure 2 shows the monitoring of the increase in braking intensity.


Fig. 1. Battery control program (in case of exceeding the rated current)


Fig. 2. The program for monitoring the increase in braking intensity


Thus, when studying the main parameters of the operating modes of the wind turbine control systems and the control process of the engine braking system, it is more appropriate to use the capabilities of the main functional blocks of the FBD Soft-2 programming language. At the same time, it is possible to obtain effective results by monitoring the operation of the batteries and the engine braking system.




Hasanov Z.A., Khanahmedova S.A. “Programmable logic controllers”, Textbook, Vol. II, p.127, Pub.hous ASOIU, Baku, 2016.

Hasanov Z.A., Khanahmedova S.A. “Problems of programmable logic controllers”, Textbook, p.120, Pub.hous ASOIU, Baku, 2021.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №8 (53) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Khanahmedova S. SOME PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS OF THE WIND GENERATOR CONTROL SYSTEM // Вестник науки №8 (53) том 2. С. 54 - 57. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6123 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/6123

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