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Oryngazy A.T., Alem A.




this article describes the methodological techniques and methods of teaching secondary school students the basics of cell measurement in the subject of biology using the data obtained in the study of the histostructure of mountain ash and barberry   

Ключевые слова:
cell, micrometer, nucleus, magnification, micrographs   

To date, the school curriculum of the subject of biology has sections dedicated to the use of knowledge and metasubject skills in practice. One of these topics is the calculation of linear cell enlargement, where students use the knowledge gained in the study of the disciplines of biology, mathematics and physics to calculate the actual size of cells and organoids. For a detailed study of this topic and in-depth study, the materials obtained in the study of the histostructure of Mountain Ash and Barberry were used. The results of the study were implemented in the Specialized Lyceum No. 20 for gifted children with instruction in three languages in biology classes of grade 9. School biology as an important link in the general education system was designed to be guided by the following learning goals: - mastering knowledge about wildlife, General methods of its study, educational skills; - formation of a scientific picture of the world based on this knowledge; - hygienic education and formation of a healthy lifestyle that contributes to the preservation of physical and moral health of a person; - formation of ecological literacy of people who know biological laws, connections between living organisms, their evolution, causes of species diversity; - establishing a harmonious relationship with nature, society, and oneself, reflecting the humanistic significance of nature; - preserving the positive experience of teaching biology, accumulated in the national school. When studying topics “Calculation of linear increase in cells. The increase, the actual size of the cell (organelle) and the actual size of the image. Conversion of measurement units to the SI system (centimeters - millimeters - micrometers – nanometers)”. Modeling "Calculation of linear increase in cells using micrographs" the training tasks were - calculate the linear increase in cells using micrographs. Section 9.1А Cell Biology provides an in depth study of cells and tissues and teaches students the basics of cell measuring. The following tasks were set during the mining process: 1. Using the scientific results to show the algorithm of preparation and plant cells 2. Study of conducting tissues on the example of ready-made micro-preparations of Tian Shan mountain Ash and Barberry. 3. Check the acquired knowledge of students in the calculation of linear cell magnification on the example of microphotography made on the basis of bioresources Laboratories of the research Institute of the Problem of Biotechnologies of ZhU named after I. Zhansugurov. We find the linear magnification by the formula: M= I/A (where M is the magnification, I is the cell size in the micrograph (the magnification size), and A is the real (actual) cell size) [1]. Linear magnification, transverse magnification — the ratio of the length of the segment formed by the optical system, perpendicular to the axis of the optical system, to the length of the segment itself [2]. At the lesson we used some microphotographs of Mountain Ash and Barberry. Lesson was by this short plan - Organizational moment. The teacher checks absent students. The teacher introduces the topic and learning objectives. Teacher explain about animal cell and plant cell, magnification under microscope. Students will present their organelle to the class and then pin it onto the board inside the cell. By the end of this session, the class will have built a cell model together. All students of the class fill out the table during the group presentations. Students perform a tasks about calculating magnifications and size microscope images [3]. In the classroom, when using data from the study instead of pictures from the textbook, the students ' interest increased significantly. The data obtained helped to quickly check the work of students and identify inaccuracies, which was effective. Results – when conducting biology lessons in grade 9B, students showed mastering the initial techniques of biometrics, were able to calculate the actual size of the cell by microphotography. Some students expressed a desire to further study similar topics and conduct their own research. The use of visual aids prepared in the framework of research work motivated students to study the topic in depth. Recommendations for the implementation of the results of this scientific work in the educational process of the subject "Biology" of high school – use as an example ready-made tables and data, use the described method of calculating cells in biology lessons.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (37) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Oryngazy A.T., Alem A. THE EXPERIENCE OF TEACHING THE BASICS OF CELL MEASUREMENT USING THE RESULTS OF THE STUDY OF THE TIEN SHAN MOUNTAIN ASH AND THE BARBERRY HETEROPOD // Вестник науки №4 (37) том 1. С. 4 - 7. 2021 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/4306 (дата обращения: 18.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/4306

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