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Issina A.A., Balgabayeva V.T.




in this paper made analysis of hotel ecosystems as a marketing method in current situation with pandemic 2020   

Ключевые слова:
COVID-19, system, business   

Today, the processes of globalization have affected all spheres of the world economy, including the impact on the world market of hotel services, which has undergone significant transformations in the current conditions of the pandemic, which in many ways has prompted the emergence and introduction of various innovations, one of which is greening. In some countries, in the last decade, the greening of hotels has become a concept of their activities, marking the beginning of the creation of socalled eco-hotels, as a modern direction of innovation in the field of hotel business. The creation and development of eco-hotels is a new trend in the functioning of the hotel industry. The introduction of greening of hotel enterprises contributes to increasing their tourist attractiveness and gives competitive advantages in the global tourism market. But as we know, despite all the advantages that a particular business has, the current state of enterprises leaves much to be desired and then marketing comes to the rescue, namely now Internet marketing. The study of the concept of eco-hotels as a modern direction of innovative strategies in the field of hospitality and the use of green systems as a key point of Internet marketing is relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of the ecological direction of the hotel industry in the world and identify prospects for its further use in marketing campaigns. Tourism covers a wide range of economic activities and is considered the most powerful industry in the world, but in situations with a pandemic, no one is strong. In a competitive environment, hotel companies they are forced to look for new ways to improve themselves and maintain their attractiveness to potential customers. In order to maintain the competitiveness and effective development of hospitality enterprises, there is a need to find new innovations and directions for their development. In recent decades, hospitality companies around the world have begun to actively participate in environmental conservation processes, introducing the concept of "environmental marketing" into their innovative activities. Environmental marketing is a set of principles, forms, methods, techniques and tools for managing production and personnel in order to achieve economic efficiency of production and environmental integrity in the context of sustainable development requirements. Аccording to the above definition, environmental marketing can be defined as a set of measures that cover the management of resources, production processes and products and are aimed at reducing the negative impact of production activities on the environment and improving the efficiency of the enterprise. One of the main elements of an effective environmental marketing system is the analysis of ongoing and planning of future activities . Improving the environmental situation in the world has always been and remains an urgent topic that forces the introduction of new technologies and innovations in various spheres of human life, including the hotel industry. Among the modern world innovations in the field of hospitality, the principles of environmental friendliness are gaining popularity. Environmental innovations are new concepts, products, technologies and ways of organizing production, consisting of processes and systems that reduce environmental pollution or other negative consequences of human economic activity. In this regard, one of the new trends in the development of the hotel sector is the construction of ecological hotels (eco-hotels). An eco-friendly hotel is an eco-certified hotel that aims to improve the environment by minimizing its own negative impact on it. Eco-friendly as an innovative concept of hospitality has a number of features in which it differs from the conventional hotel, in particular: the use in the construction of environmentally friendly materials, contribution to environmental conservation, use of renewable energy sources (solar energy, wind power), the use of energy efficient equipment, recycling of waste water re-used by the hotel, the presence of programs of recycling and use of materials suitable for recycling. Environmental issues are currently in the focus of attention of many representatives of the hotel business. according to research from cornell university, approximately 90 % of hotel guests who took part in the survey are willing to pay a higher price for environmental products and services . According to the same survey, many hotel customers are interested in the problems of environmental protection and realize that their actions, together with the functioning of the hotel enterprises whose services they use, have some negative impact on both the environment and nature in general. Еco-hotel as an innovative concept of hospitality has a number of features, in particular: dependence on the natural environment; environmental sustainability; contribution to the preservation of the environment; providing environmental support for personnel; taking into account local cultures; ensuring economic returns for the local population. in addition, eco-hotels are forced to adhere to strict "green" principles in order to ensure that their visitors are confident that they will live in safe and energyefficient hotels. A prerequisite for assigning the hotel the status of "ecological" is the certification of an independent third party or the state in which it is located .The problems of resource saving and energy efficiency are actual problems of hotels due to  the high energy costs in the value of the cost of hotel services and the rapid growth of energy prices. Hotels are powerful consumers of energy and water resources. According to research conducted by RKB, lighting accounts for 20% of the total energy consumption of the hotel, and another 45% of all energy costs of the hotel are accounted for by the air conditioning, ventilation and heating system . Rational use of material resources is an effective tool to increase the profitability of the hotel on the basis of reducing production costs. Thus, eco-hotels are promising hotels that are designed to maintain the state of the natural environment, educate society in environmental awareness and responsibility, and their guests can get a healthy holiday in harmony with nature. The experience of developed Western countries shows that strategies and mechanisms for limiting the harmful effects of the activities of hospitality enterprises are quite achievable and effective. Taking into account the significant list of advantages of eco-hotels, the possibility of solving negative trends, which is confirmed by the significant global demand for environmental products and services, eco - certification is a promising tool for increasing tourist attractiveness. The environmental certificate received by the institution will emphasize respect for the guest and confirm the investment attractiveness and social responsibility of the business. And the mention and use of environmental friendliness in the company's marketing campaigns will improve its image and attract more customers.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №12 (33) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Issina A.A., Balgabayeva V.T. HOTEL ECOSYSTEMS AS A MARKETING METHOD IN CURRENT SITUATION WITH PANDEMIC 2020 // Вестник науки №12 (33) том 4. С. 6 - 9. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3932 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3932

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