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Boldysh S.K., KalizhanovaA.N., Ishmuratova M.Yu




judgment of history is especially relevant in the conditions of modern globalization of democracy. Knowledge of sources of origin of a totalitarian system as main reason for political repressions, organized rejection from society of the best sons and daughters, his most educated citizens – scientists, doctors and pharmacists, gives the chance to avoid such historical cataclysms in the future. Results of researches after studying of history of repressed and civilian doctors and pharmacists of Karlag are given in this article.   

Ключевые слова:
history, Karlag, repressed people, doctor, pharmacist   

Introduction. The twentieth century has been known as anthropological crisis century that gave humanity harsh lessons. No country has escaped such catastrophes as wars, epidemics, hatred, and pain. Karlag is the name of one of the largest labor camps, where people were exiled to correctional labor. Thus, modern people need to know the history of Kazakhstan, especially period of repression; to know names of victims, and do everything to remind the future generations about Karlag history. Within the initiative project “Karlag” of Academy “Bolashak” a Research and Development Center was created [1]. Since 2007, at the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines has been carried out scientific and research work for studying the national history of medicine and pharmacy [2] - the history of repressed and civil doctors and pharmacists of Karlag camp. The research aims to reveal the truth, based on the materials from the Museum “In Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions” about repressed and civil doctors and pharmacists to the general public, especially the younger generation. The tasks of the study are the following: 1) to find and collect objective information about the life of repressed and freelance doctors and pharmacists in Karlag, by examining printed, archival documents, photographic materials in Dolink, Nova Dolinka, and the Museum itself, memories of veterans of health care, witnesses of that time; 2) to systemize and analyze the collected materials and documents; 3) to use the collected material for articles and the learning process. Main part. At all times, doctors and pharmacists deservedly enjoyed particular respect and honor at a societal level. Concern for human health is the essence of the life of professionals, ready to provide for adequate medical and medicinal assistance immediately. Many pharmacy leaders spoke of the need to study national pharmacy. One of them, Dr. Vyacheslav Pereverzev, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, in 2001, suggested exploring the history of pharmacy in the regions of Kazakhstan. He believed that written recording of history would set not only an example for posterity but also an analysis of events, facts, and the ability to avoid mistakes in market conditions [3]. The Karaganda separate correctional labor camp Karlag was formed on December 19, 1931, in the village of Dolinka, founded in the Konyrtobe tract by the settlers of the Samara and Saratov provinces in 1909 and located forty-five km to the South-West from the city of Karaganda in the valley of the Cherubainur River. The length of the territory of Karlag is about 300 km from North to South and about 200 km from the East to the West. In 2002 in Dolinka village the memorial Museum “In Memory of the Victims of Political Repressions” was opened. The museum has a vast number of such exhibits as maps, photographs, documents, paintings, books, and other personal belongings of the prisoners of Karlag [4-8]; the number of prisoners reached 75,000 people [9-11]. In the 1930s, Karaganda labor camp began to be formed not only from representatives of former political parties, wealthier peasants, and bays but also from highly skilled specialists such as doctors, teachers, engineers, and the most significant scientists, who later laid the foundations for scientific research in the educational institutions of Karaganda [8, 9, 12]. Outside area of Karlag had two more departments for the politically repressed wives: Akmolinsky, located 350 km from the center of the camp and Balkhashsky, situated 650 km from the same place. In peer conversations, the prisoners of Akmolinsky half-jokingly called their island the exotic word ALGERIA – Akmola Camp Wives of Betrayers of the Nation.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №8 (8) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Boldysh S.K., KalizhanovaA.N., Ishmuratova M.Yu UNKNOWN PAGES OF KARLAG HISTORY // Вестник науки №8 (8) том 3. С. 223 - 228. 2018 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/373 (дата обращения: 18.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/373

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