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  4. Научная статья № 9

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Tangzharykova M.G., Kopbossyn L.S.




this article examines the main advantages of developing an automated information system for a trade organization that provide an opportunity to correctly prepare a declaration, to manage the remnants of the goods, to make calculations, and finally, create a report that accurately reflects the performance   

Ключевые слова:
automation, information system, inventory, automated information system, residual goods, turnover, information technology   

An information system is a system designed for storing, searching and processing information, containing organizational resources (human, technical, financial, etc.). In the organization's activities, the Information system is considered as software that implements the organization's business strategy. The main advantage of an automated information system for a trade organization is the ability to correctly issue a Declaration, make calculations and, ultimately, create a report that clearly reflects the performance indicators. This allows you to significantly save time and eliminate delays. Speaking about modern requirements for the quality of work of retail enterprises, it should be noted that effective work fully depends on the equipment of an automated accounting system for the company's information resources. The scientific relevance of automation is the systematization of all business processes of an enterprise into a single information space in order to improve this work and increase its efficiency. Simply put, it is the implementation of a corporate tool that makes it easier for everyone. Since the bulk of goods is concentrated in retail outlets, it is necessary to constantly monitor the storage of goods in each store, which ensures daily control over the storage of a given quantity. The aim of the study is to create and study an automated waste management system to ensure that goods are always available in the enterprise, that is, in warehouses and marketplaces, and to ensure that they are not associated with costs. The theoretical significance of the study is considered by the formula for calculating the balance of goods. One of the main performance indicators of a trading company is inventory turnover. The product (or inventory) turnover ratio is the ratio of a company's sales to its assets. This indicator allows you to understand how quickly a product is being sold in a warehouse. In terms of inventory turnover, you can understand how efficiently and profitably a company uses its assets to generate income. Inventory turnover is an indicator of the renewal of stocks of raw materials, materials and finished products during the billing period. When applied to finished goods in a warehouse, inventory turnover measures the rate at which inventory is produced and discharged from the warehouse. Inventory turnover is an indicator that characterizes the effectiveness of interaction between the procurement service and the sales service. Low inventory turnover is a poor indicator of a company's financial performance, indicating excess inventory and/or poor sales. On the contrary, a high turnover of stocks characterizes the mobility of the company's funds: the faster stocks are updated, the faster the money invested in stocks turnover, return in the form of  proceeds from the sale of finished products, the higher the turnover, the better for the company. Small stocks force the company to balance on the brink of a deficit, which inevitably leads to the loss of customers and unreasonably high costs for prompt replenishment of stock: the company is forced to import enough goods. Thus, the optimality of stocks is mandatory for the business of the company, and the turnover of stocks is an indicator that must be constantly monitored. To control inventory turnover, it is necessary to operate with three indicators: the average inventory for the period, that is, how many goods we have in the warehouse, for example, per month;  period (month, year, week - for perishable goods);  turnover for a given period (in inventory prices). Average inventory for the period - the average inventory value for the period (average annual, monthly average), is determined as the sum at the beginning and at the end of the period, divided in half, although a more detailed consideration of their changes during the period is possible, for example, in relation to the month:   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (32) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Tangzharykova M.G., Kopbossyn L.S. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR REGULATION OF RESIDUAL GOODS // Вестник науки №11 (32) том 2. С. 51 - 55. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3711 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3711

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