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Nizamov A.B., Gafurova Sh.K.




this article presents the analyzes of research to determine the directions, mechanisms of implementation and content of integration cooperation between higher education and the new system of vocational education at a new stage of their development based on the investigation of factors that hinder and support this cooperation   

Ключевые слова:
higher education, professional education, integration, continuing education, factors of cooperation   

Strengthening competitiveness in the context of modernization of the economy, the further development of market relations, the rapid introduction of new techniques and advanced technologies in production, increase in demand for qualified specialists in line with changes in society, which in turn requires the training of highly qualified specialists. Nowadays raising the level of higher and secondary special education to the level of world standards, determining the demand and needs for specialties in the national economy based on scientific analysis and rational use of foreign experience is one most important problem in the field of education. In this regard, under the leadership of the President of Uzbekistan, great attention is paid to reforming today's higher and vocational education, further improving its pedagogical, educational and enlightenment links, dramatically increasing the attractiveness of our educational institutions in the market of educational services. In particular, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About measures to radically improve the system of general secondary, secondary special and vocational education" dated on January 25, 2018 laid the foundation for the creation of a new network of vocational education institutions. According to it, educational institutions in the system of vocational education are divided into three categories: The first is a network of educational institutions operating in conjunction with the bachelor's degree in higher education, which is proposed for the first time in the practice of Uzbekistan (associate degree, 2-year educational program); The second is the so-called "vocational center" abroad, which trains skilled workers and service professionals; The third category is institutions that provide knowledge and skills focused on entrepreneurial activities (land business), which are mainly relevant in rural areas. Obviously, the establishment of these educational institutions will be carried out with the support of higher education institutions in the region. However, the current challenges facing both professional and higher education institutions under reform limit the use of previous forms and methods of cooperation. Therefore, it is important to identify new areas of cooperation, the mechanism and form of their implementation. Research method In order to identify ways to develop integrated cooperation between higher education and vocational schools, colleges, technical schools, it is necessary to study the factors influencing it. Therefore, we conducted questionnaires to identify the factors that hinder and support the development of integrated cooperation in educational institutions, to study their level of impact. 75 professors and teachers took part in the survey. Fifty of the participants are teachers and heads of newly established vocational schools, colleges and technical schools, and 25 are professors of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology. The professors and teachers who participated in the survey have more than 5 years of pedagogical experience and extensive experience in the field of education, of which 11 are professors and associate professors with academic degrees and degrees, 64 are senior teachers and lecturers. Respondents were provided with two questionnaires. The questionnaire consists of 28 questions aimed at identifying factors that hinder the development of integrated cooperation and to identify factors, opportunities, conditions that support cooperation. The questions in the survey include factors in three areas: 1. Economic factors. 2. Organizational factors. 3. Psychological factors. Research and discussion of results The survey was conducted on-line considering the pandemic conditions. The factors was analyzed separately by the HEI and VTC (vocational training center) Most of the highly rated factors are economic (1,5,7,8 places) and organizational (2,3,4,6 places), while psychological factors are on 9, 10 places. In the point of view of both parties, the factor of "lack of appropriate material and technical base for joint training and laboratory training" is on the first place . “Lack of a clear and regulated plan” ranks 2nd in terms of HEIs, 3rd place in terms of VTC. Interestingly, the factor of “Uncertainty of material benefits for cooperation” was ranked 5th by institute staff, while this factor was less important by VTC teachers (24th place). However, in their opinion, "the lack of joint master classes by teachers of universities and colleges" took 5th place. Similarly, in terms of HEIs, the lack of a mechanism for exchanging experience between HEIs and VTC teachers in teaching using modern pedagogical methods is in 6th place, while in terms of VTC, the lack of practical skills of HEI teachers is 7th. Such an assessment of the factors indicates the existence of shortcomings in the organizational sphere as well.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №7 (28) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Nizamov A.B., Gafurova Sh.K. DIRECTIONS OF THE COOPERATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION AND INNOVATED VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEM AT A NEW STAGE // Вестник науки №7 (28) том 1. С. 43 - 49. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3401 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3401

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