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Abylai O., Burebayeva A.K.




in this paper research interfaces in our transport   

Ключевые слова:
vision, interface, transport   

The relevance of the work provided is justified by the growing need for high-quality interfaces in our machines, as well as the development of the managing system of interfaces. Most automotive multimedia systems are hopelessly behind in their development and forgot about user convenience. Why is it so - let's understand. It seems to us that buying an expensive car - we buy all the best at once. And in many ways it is: the exterior, interior, suspension and safety systems - everything is very cool. Except for one detail - the control system. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the auto industry began to develop, designers were inspired by the dashboards of aircraft. For example, Rolls Royce made cars and aircraft engines. Over time, we got a lot of new and useful functions, but we just couldn’t “pack” them normally on the dashboard. The task of the study is to identify and study the basic strategies and techniques interfaces in machines. In coordination with the purpose of studying, we set ourselves the proper tasks: - to consider and learn the forms of interfaces in different types of cars; - to learn the methods and techniques used when managing interfaces in machines; Why had there been enough icons with the direction of the air flow before, and now you need to demonstrate how the air is distributed throughout the cabin? Automotive designers have a chip - display the image of the car on the scoreboard. Often the interfaces are poorly prioritized - all the elements are dumped onto the panel in a bunch - there is no main thing, dominants. Another example of the backwardness of automotive interfaces - they still do not have swipe. What seems to be the norm for touch-interface designers, but not for automakers. Weak interfaces look especially ridiculous in interiors of ultra-expensive cars, for example, Rolls Royce Phantom, where each stitch on the seat is embroidered manually. Sometimes manufacturers are too lazy, then they take something from their predecessors - as Ferrari did, borrowing a display from a cheap Chrysler miniva. All this is superimposed on a rather weak hardware, which makes the system slow, even in expensive Porsche sports cars. Solutions seems to be easy: to ask drivers what is important for them, what they use constantly, what they never use, what infuriates them, which is inconvenient. New models are released every two years and you can find the time to talk with customers, eliminate the shortcomings. In general, these illustrate well the unevenness of progress. We can integrate air conditioning and heating into the steering wheel, but we will have a poor multimedia system. In response to criticism, manufacturers cite: • an increase in the number of functions, the fusion of multimedia and climate into a single panel; • regulation, bureaucracy, norms and standards; • a large number of suppliers and partners - cars and systems (their components) are assembled at dozens of plants; • that it is too expensive to make big changes for one model - you need to think right away with the model range (and this multiplies all three previous points by the number of models). Apparently, the interface problem does not seem important for automakers. Autonomous machines are still far away, and improving the user experience is an excellent competitive opportunity now. Along with the development of the mechanical systems of the car, engineers constantly sought to add something to the electronic filling, to make the car safer, more manageable and smarter. The modern round of evolution has gone so far that it is no longer clear whether software defines hardware or hardware - software. The first technological revolution in the automotive industry was the interest of automobile companies in electric starters - they were first installed in 1911. Then the innovations began to concern the driver’s convenience and even his driving entertainment: in 1925 a cigarette lighter appeared, in 1930 - a radio, in 1956 - a power steering, in 1970 - a cassette deck, in 1984 - airbags. A year later, there were CD players, in 1994 - a dashboard for computer diagnostics of a car, in 1995 - GPS, in 2000 - USB and Bluetooth, the first signs of a car “connected” to the whole thing. The first experience of creating a smart machine occurred in the middle of the twentieth century. General Motors Firebird II - 1956 four-seater. This car was the first to use a structure for traveling along the highway of the future - a complex control system that had to interact with an electric wire built into the carriageway to send signals and serve as a guide for the latest cars. It was assumed that the electromagnetic field minimizes dangerous situations on the road, reducing the human factor. Highways of the future were built in Europe and the USA. The first production car to really interact with them was the Citroen DS. Citroen DS was able to interact with the highway using an electric signal, but there was no question of any independent autopilot. Experiments with on-board computers in the 60- 70's. carried out, but never entered the series. Laboratory tests were carried out for 10 years, but there was no question of any serial production. Nevertheless, neither the engineering idea nor the imagination of the futurists stopped for a minute - mankind was looking in cars not only for luxury or a means of transportation, but also for a smart assistant who could make life easier, make roads safe, work for a person. 


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (25) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Abylai O., Burebayeva A.K. INTERFACES IN OUR TRANSPORT // Вестник науки №4 (25) том 4. С. 5 - 11. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/3001 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/3001

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