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Olimov K.T., Li D.E., Mavlonov N. SH.




the following article describes the stages of creating an electronic textbook on vocational education specialties. Moreover, types of electronic textbooks of special disciplines are given. There are also instructions and tips for users   

Ключевые слова:
electronic textbook, programming, approbation, handbook, subject-oriented, special disciplines   

An electronic textbook should make it as easy as possible to understand and remember the most significant concepts, statements and examples, involving other than a regular textbook, the capabilities of the human brain, in particular, auditory and emotional memory, as well as using computer explanations. The technology for creating electronic textbooks is quite laborious and should include the following steps: 1. Defining development goals and objectives. 2. Development of an electronic textbook structure. 3. Development of content on sections and topics of the textbook. 4. Scenario preparation of individual electronic textbook structures. 5. Programming. 6. Approbation. 7. Correction of the content of the electronic textbook based on the results of approbation. 8. Preparation of a handbook for users. 1. Defining development goals and objectives The starting point and the creation of electronic textbooks are didactic goals and objectives, for the achievement and solution of which information technologies are used. Depending on the learning objectives, electronic textbooks of special disciplines can be of the following types: Subject-oriented electronic textbooks; To study individual special subjects; Subject-oriented electronic textbooks for the study of individual sections of special disciplines in the through study of educational material; Subject-oriented electronic simulators with the availability of reference educational material; Electronic automated ability development systems. 2. Development of an electronic textbook structure The structure in the conventional sense (from lat. Struktura - structure, location, order) is a set of stable connections of the object, ensuring its integrity. Based on this definition, when developing an electronic textbook, it is necessary to initially develop its structure, the order of the educational material, the type of navigation in sections, and make the choice of the main stronghold of the future textbook. The rational structure of the course should be invariant to the content of the discipline. In fact, the following structure for an electronic textbook is generally accepted: 1. Introduction to the discipline (history, subject, relevance, place and relationship with other disciplines of the program in the specialty); 2. Curriculum on discipline (course); 3. The purpose and objectives of the study of discipline; 4. Self-study guidelines; 5. Table of contents; 6. Main content structured by sections (modules); 7. Tests, questions, tasks with answers for training (in sections); 8. Final test; 9. Practical tasks for independent work; 10. Industry internet news; 11. Explanatory Dictionary; 12. Conclusion; 13. References (main, additional); 14. An anthology (digest) for the discipline, containing excerpts from textbooks, scientific and journal articles, methods and other educational materials on the subject of the course; 15. Brief creative biography of the author of the electronic textbook. The most effective methods are the modular construction of textbooks and teaching aids, which was used at the time to create the domestic training system CTS and described in.Modules can be combined in various combinations with each other as partof textbooks and teaching aids, for compilation of which a module management system for a textbook is created. The modular nature of building computer textbooks is the most common in the world, which seems reasonable, because makes it possible to make the textbook attractive to users of various qualifications. Thanks to the modular structure, the repeated use of modules in different versions of textbooks and the adaptation of manuals to the characteristics of students, a reduction in the cost of training by 30-60%, learning time by 20-40%, the degree of assimilation of the material increases. 


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Ссылка для цитирования:

Olimov K.T., Li D.E., Mavlonov N. SH. TECHNOLOGY OF CREATION OF ELECTRONIC TEXTBOOKS ON SPECIAL DISCIPLINES FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION // Вестник науки №2 (23) том 4. С. 5 - 10. 2020 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/2831 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/2831

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