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Shekhmatova A.D., Aksyonov K.G., Khamatshin A.D.




Considered oil separation methods of absorption, extraction, extractive crystallization, adsorption, distillation. Methods for separation of oil by absorption, extraction, extractive crystallization, adsorption, distillation are considered   

Ключевые слова:
oil, rectification, atmospheric column   

The first in the chain of oil refining processes is atmospheric distillation, therefore, all subsequent refining stages depend on its depth and quality. At the AT installations, shallow distillation of oil is carried out to produce fuel (gasoline, kerosene, diesel) fractions and fuel oil. The capacity range of domestic oil refineries is wide - from 0.5 to 8 million tons / year. The advantage of large unit-capacity plants is obvious: high labor productivity and low capital and operating costs compared to low-capacity plants. [1] Even more significant economic advantages are achieved when combining AT and AVT (or ELOU-AT and ELOU-AVT) with other technological processes such as gas fractionation, hydrotreating of fuel and gas oil fractions, catalytic reforming, catalytic cracking, purification of oil fractions, etc. [1] Therefore, improving the processes of primary processing and increasing the unit capacity of the plants is a priority for the petrochemical industry. [1] Oil is a specific product, characterized by qualitative characteristics (density, chemical and fractional composition, the presence of impurities). [2] Unlike other types of combustible minerals, oil is relatively easily extracted, transported and processed into a wide range of products for various purposes, being: • raw materials for petrochemistry in the production of synthetic rubber, alcohols, polyethylene, polypropylene, a wide range of various plastics and finished products from them, artificial fabrics; • source for the production of motor fuels (gasoline, kerosene, diesel and jet fuels), oils and lubricants, boiler and furnace fuels (fuel oil), building materials (bitumens, tar, asphalt); • raw materials for obtaining a number of protein preparations used as additives in animal feed to stimulate its growth. Oil refining is the main area of use of oil. Refining products - gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, lubricating oils, coke, paraffins, bitumen - are used in many sectors of the economy, including strategic industries such as transportation (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, oils) and energy (associated petroleum gas, refinery gases, fuel oil). A number of products derived from petroleum, almost indispensable (lubricating oils, bitumen, paraffin). [2] The main requirement for the quality of each selected hydrocarbon is purity, i.e. high concentration of the target component in the resulting fraction. Rectification is a process of repeated contact of the liquid and vapor phases, with each such contact a partial evaporation of the volatile component occurs and a partial condensation of the non-volatile component takes place. The process is carried out by contacting the flow of steam and liquid, which have different compositions and temperatures. The driving force of rectification is the difference between the actual (working) and equilibrium concentrations of the components in the vapor phase, corresponding to the composition of the liquid phase. On each plate there is a partial evaporation of a volatile component and a partial condensation of a non-volatile ingredient. Vapors are enriched with light components, and liquid - heavy. A measure of the effectiveness of a real, or actual, plate is the coefficient of performance (COP). The efficiency of the plates depends on their design, column diameter, inter-plate distance, steam velocity, column loading, the physical properties of the mixture to be divided and many other factors, therefore, the efficiency is usually determined by experiment.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №8 (17) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shekhmatova A.D., Aksyonov K.G., Khamatshin A.D. PRODUCTION OF DISTILLATES BASED ON REFINERY INSTALLATION // Вестник науки №8 (17) том 2. С. 41 - 43. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1995 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1995

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