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  4. Научная статья № 26

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Safronova Y.V., Mukasheva B.M.




The article considers the first grammar acts in children’s speech, which represent the unique phenomenon from the point of view of investigations of children’s speech ontogenesis. Formation and development of grammatical linguistic meaning is considered as the basic process of grammatical language system acquisition. The above process is investigated in direct connection with the development of subjectpractical activities and communication activities of the child. In conclusion it is assumed that semantic structures of consciousness are the pivot of the development of grammar rules acquisition   

Ключевые слова:
speech activity, communication activities, linguistic meaning   

The development of active speech of the child, performing the signal-sign function, begins with one-word statements, with the stage of individual words-sentences. According to the latest research, the content of the first word-sentences refers to a holistic situation, and from the form they are merged in an indissoluble unity of subject and predicate, nomination and predication, elements of semantics, grammar and syntax. There's no partition of a situation, no partition of a speech form. At the same time, it is recognized that the first oneword sentences contain the rudiments of everything that a child has to develop when learning an adult language, that a one-word sentence is an initial instruction in many respects. [Leont'ev A. A. Shakhnarovich A. G. 1997]. The development of the child's communicative competence is possible only at the same time with the development of subject-practical activities and communication activities, as well as closely related to the development of perception and understanding of the world. Leading activity of the child at the age from 1 year to 3 years -mastering subject and of the operating side of the business, i.e., acquaintance with surrounding objects and the appropriation of public-developed ways to use them. In joint activities, the function of indicating and designating the subject of the word is strengthened. Further development of the function of naming objects is determined by the cooperation with an adult. [A. K. Markova, 1973.] For the formation and development of grammatical meaning, the mechanism of not imitation, but the need for speech communication should operate. Grammatical meanings are the meanings of relations between the phenomena of reality indicated by words, i.e. they are the linguistic meanings of the logical (mental) series. There are grammatical meanings of word-formative morphemes and grammatical meanings in syntax. To understand speech, it is not enough to know the lexical meaning of the words it consists of, it is necessary to understand the meaning of grammatical forms used in the communication process. The formation and development of grammatical knowledge of child’s speech is possible only in the process of communication and in close connection with the development of thinking. It is appropriate to quote the statement of A. M. Shakhnarovich that 《...the mastery of the grammatical means of native language, the mastery of the syntactic system and the predicative relations occurs only in the process of communication and for communication." The child's speech is formed under the decisive influence of speech communication with adults, listening to their speech. It is obvious that the child's brain has a high plasticity, since the mechanisms responsible for the processes of mastering speech are in a mobile state and are subject to continuous change and adjustments. As a result of the development of subject-practical activities and communication activities, the child's speech is constantly becoming more and more complicated, requires feedback, i.e. the child wants not only to understand the people around him: he wants to be understood. Naturally, to appear to the further development of the process of communication can only on condition of its correct grammatical processing. We will attempt to explain this process based on the basic theoretical postulates of  psycholinguistics and available factual material from authoritative sources, collected as a result of experimental studies conducted with informants-native speakers of the Russian language, children aged 1 to 3 years. The main trends are the following: -complication of grammatical phenomena in speech due to the established dynamic grammatical stereotype; -improving the ability to handle grammatical facts of the language at a certain stage of development; -complication of types and forms of speech phenomena as a result of complexity and diversity of subject-practical activities. We also consider it necessary to dwell on the following provisions: Regulation 1. As you know, the use of new grammatical phenomena in children's speech begins with the need to name the action or state of the object, which is directly related to the complexity of the subject-practical activities, almost linking the child with the outside world. Thus, during the formation of the first grammatical phenomena in children's speech are directly related to the situation and must obey the objective connections. The meanings of words denoting objects and actions familiar to the child are released from the situational context quite early. But for words with less clear content, such as prepositions denoting relations, this process may be delayed, as evidenced, for example, by the results of demonstrative experiments of F. A. Sokhin. In one series of experiment in front of kids lecturing a small circle and a large cube and asked them to perform two tasks: Put the circle on the cube. Put the cube on the circle. It turned out that 92% of children aged 2.3 to 3 years coped with the first task, and with the second – only 30%. 70% of children in this situation laid out a circle on a cube, not a cube on a circle. Thus, it can be seen that if the value of the preposition coincides with the visually perceived relations of the two objects, the task is performed, and if it does not coincide, the task is not performed. Therefore, in this age group of children, the meaning of the preposition is not yet separated from the directly perceived concrete relations of objects. This division can only be seen in the case of older children between 2.5 and 3.5 years of age  who have coped with the implementation of the second instruction, where the meaning of the preposition was in some conflict with the visual relationship between a small circle of a large cube. At the next stage of complication of subject-practical activity of the child grammatical statements relate directly to the object, and not to the situation as a whole. So, the first position is to assert the primacy of activity in the development of grammatical meaning


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (15) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Safronova Y.V., Mukasheva B.M. ONTOGENESIS OF SPEECH ACTIVITY: FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF GRAMMATICAL LINGUISTIC MEANING IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUBJECT-PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES AND COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES OF THE CHILD // Вестник науки №6 (15) том 5. С. 145 - 149. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1883 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1883

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