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  4. Научная статья № 25

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Ploskikh N.D.




In the article list of evidence of provocation in the operative-research activity and the ways to identify it are developed. This list of evidence is based on the analysis of theoretical ideas, legislation and law enforcement practice of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights. The concepts of ‘provocation’ and ‘provocative situation’ are proposed   

Ключевые слова:
operative-research activity, provocation, evidence of provocation, provocative situation   

Provocation as a method of disclosing crimes and as a way to obtain evidence is unacceptable in the modern realities of the Russian Federation, because such activities are not compatible with the current provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation. The actuality of the problem of identifying provocations in the operational-search activity is related to the fact that at the moment there are no fixed at the legislative level the concepts of those operational-search measures that have provocative risks, there are also no clear criteria for admissibility and detailed regulation of procedures for conducting these operational-search activities during which entities carrying out these activities can use provocative methods. In this Paper, on the basis of a comparative legal analysis of the legislation of various states, as well as the legal positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the European Court of Human Rights, the Author developed the notion of provocation which reflects the tendencies regarding the inadmissibility of provocative methods of disclosure and investigations of crimes now. The provocation in the operational-search activity should be identified as an prohibited by law activity carried out by operational units of the State Agencies authorized by the law, as well as the persons acting on their instructions.Within the framework of the operational-search activity, these persons do not limit their actions only to the detection, prevention, suppression and disclosing of crimes, as well as the identification and determination of the people preparing, committing or committed these crimes. At the same time, these persons excessively affect a people which are uder the operational-search activities, as well as without sufficient reasons, carry out operational activities in order to persuade, induce (incite) directly or indirectly to commit a socially dangerous act that would not have been committed without such exposure. In the scientific literature, as well as in judicial practice, signs of provocation can be identified as an activity although prohibited. The following signs can be distinguished: 1) Lack of factual grounds for holding operational-search activities. As the European Court notes in its jurisprudence, it is especially important that State Agencies, conducting operational-search activities, including those with provocative risks, have formal grounds to hold the activities. This sign is typical for those cases when the decision to conduct an operational-search activity (OSA), approved by the Head of the Agencies, has no grounds provided by the Federal Law “On Operational-Search Activity”, as well as information about the reasons, goals and motives for its conduct. 2) Active actions by the law enforcement Agencies in the production of operationalsearch activities and persons involved in the production of operational-search activities. In each case, during the verification of provocation arguments, it is necessary to estimate whether the person who participated in such activity had an impact, including by persuading, suggesting, resorting to sympathy, in order to induce to commit a crime that without such an impact would not have been committed. In addition, it should be noted that this activity can be characterized as exposing a person to commit a crime. The seriality or identity of conducting operational-search measures also characterizes the activity of law enforcement Agencies in exposing a person to a crime. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has repeatedly pointed out that when the goal of an operational search activity is achieved, further operational search activity is permissible only if it is consistent with the tasks listed in Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Operational-Search Activity". 3) Lack of objective suspicion. This sign describes the situations where the operational units conduct an operational-search activity in relation to a person, without sufficient information about his alleged involvement or predisposition to commit a certain wrongful act. The conduction of an operational-search measure with respect to an indefinite circle of persons also characterizes a sign of objective suspicion. Information must be personalized, that is, indicate the tendency of a certain person to commit a certain type of crime. 4) Impact on the intent of the person in respect of which OSA is conducted. The named sign of provocation characterizes the intellectual-volitional moment, i.e. the ability of the person uder the operational-search measure is carried out to commit a crime, the presence of an established, regardless of the actions of the operational officers, intent. Summarizing the above, it would like to note that today, not all of the above signs are perceived by law enforcement Agencies when checking arguments about provocation in the production of operational-search activities.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №6 (15) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Ploskikh N.D. PROBLEMS OF IDENTIFYING EVIDENCE OF PROVOCATION IN OPERATIVE-RESEARCH ACTIVITY // Вестник науки №6 (15) том 5. С. 142 - 144. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1882 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1882

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