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Melayeva M., Durdyyeva A., Nurlyyeva O.




this article provides a brief overview of the role of sport and sport psychology in the service sector of the public economy. It also talks about the influence of public administration and economic sectors on the sports system in the world.   

Ключевые слова:
economy, marketing, service sector, psychological preparation, orientation exercises, physical training, self-training   

The approach of each individual state to determining policy in the field of sports has its own characteristics, each state independently determines the measure of influence on individual elements of the system.Researchers identify two main models of state behavior: the model of “intervention” and “non-interference”The non-intervention model assumes that in states that adhere to this approach, the sphere of physical culture and sports is considered socially significant, but is an expression of the free and autonomous initiative of the citizens themselves, since the stimulation and development of sports falls within the competence of the sports movement. Thus, in the United States, the federal government does not provide direct financial support at all for the development of physical culture and sports. All sports activities are organized and carried out by individual groups, which themselves establish the rules for admitting members to their composition and the rules for conducting competitions.The intervention model is characterized by active government participation in the sports industry. At the same time, the government assumes responsibility and obligations for the development of the sphere of physical culture and sports. At the central level, such responsibilities may be assigned to special sports ministries, councils or committees with functions similar to those of ministries, or to various ministries overseeing physical education and sports in different aspects. Countries that adhere to this particular model can be called Russia, Belarus, China, etc.At the same time, many European countries combine both approaches. Thus, the management of sports in Germany is carried out both at the level of state organizations (Ministry of the Interior, Federal Government, State Governments) and at the public level (German Sports Union and the German National Olympic Committee). The latter still play a dominant role.Likewise in the United Kingdom, sport has become established as part of British culture and the government believes that it can promote social change and benefit society as a whole. Therefore, the government allows private bodies to regulate relevant sports, but at the same time has created public bodies and government agencies to influence themThis study makes an attempt to analyze the essence of sports activity from an economic point of view. As a result, the definition of the concept of “economic activity of the sports industry” was formulated - this is economic activity for the production of material and intangible goods to meet the needs of citizens in health and leisure, as well as for the provision of services aimed at developing high sports skills in some of the most talented citizens to achieve them the highest sports results.Thus, according to the established management system places the main responsibility for the development of physical culture and professional sports on the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, and also provides programs with budget funding. Currently, this approach, characterized by strict centralization. This can be achieved by adopting a mixed management model (intervention and non-intervention), which is used by a number of European countries. Within the framework of a mixed management model, public sports organizations will be able to independently form the composition of teams, determine the strategy and tactics of preparation, and also receive income through the production and sale of souvenirs and sports paraphernalia, concluding advertising contracts, sales of rights to athletes and coaches, etc.In this case, public sports organizations will have the opportunity to generate income, as well as form an investment portfolio and investment attractiveness. The transition from a strictly centralized management model to a mixed one can be accomplished by concluding tripartite agreements (between the Ministry of Technology and Technology, NOCs and sports organizations) regulating the rights and obligations of the parties.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Melayeva M., Durdyyeva A., Nurlyyeva O. THE ROLE OF SPORTS AND SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SERVICE SPHERE OF THE STATE ECONOMY // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 3. С. 688 - 690. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/14015 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/14015

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