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Akramov I.I.




Social networks are firmly established in our lives, they have won a very important place in the modern world. Since then, social networks have become one of the most powerful tools for influencing public consciousness, many people turn to them as an authoritative source of information about health, beauty, psychology, relationships and many other areas of life. Therefore, from the tool of communication and bringing people closer together, social networks have become a very powerful tool for marketing, advertising and ultimately generating income. This article discusses the features of management in the field of social networks, marketing strategies and the main features of social media   

Ключевые слова:
social networking, management, social media, accounts, social media platform   

Most of us are familiar with social networking sites that allow us to share information, interests, actions, photos and more with others in their network. The social networking platforms are used for communicating with family, friends, teachers, or business colleagues. Social networks have already reformed the business world, so that managers, job seekers, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and others find it easy to launch and uphold profitable connections. Due to these sites, attractive alternatives changed slower, formal channels of communication of the past. Now companies sell and advertise their products by means of Facebook and Twitter. Managers as well use social networking sites for an effective communication with clients inside as well as outside their organization. LinkedIn is one of the most often used sites on social networks. For the past ten years, LinkedIn has been allowing professionals to communicate with each other, and presently has more than 200 million users worldwide. Many unemployment find LinkedIn a valuable tool for job searching. Google+ is another widespread site for business networks, and there other business-focused sites, such as PartnerUp for entrepreneurs [1]. Social networking technology has ambitious implications for management. The social network allows to:  Change the way information is shared.  Open the process of internal and external communication.  changes the way business and customer relationships develop  Expand opportunities for team building and community collaboration.  To facilitate the hiring and new employee orientation process.  Identify organizational resources and expertise.  To facilitate management control. Chompis E, Horn H, Bons R, & Feldberg F. claim: «Since there are so many social networking sites currently available, businesses need to allocate resources to choose the right platform for their needs and determine how to take full advantage of the available features. Some social networking sites may be more suitable for marketing, while others may be the best option to stimulate teamwork and online collaboration» [2, p.215]. Social network management is the procedure of managing online communications and content on social networks such as YouTube, Twitter Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and so on If you want to create a game plan for managing social networks, first you should to think about type social networking platforms are superlative for your business. I will give you general idea of the various platforms and their benefits, which they can offer, to your business:  YouTube has become one of the largest search platform in the world. You can upload any kind of video content to this channel in order to help interact with your audience. Because of function of video hosting, your business can host as video content as you want and share through other channels.  Facebook, which has more than 2 million active users per month who come from various backgrounds. The user base of Facebook has also a good balance of sexes and age groups. These reasons make Facebook an excellent social platform for businesses which are trying to reach a wider audience faster in short time  LinkedIn is a most popular social networking platform for B2B brands that are business-oriented across different businesses. Due to LinkedIn, in short time you can find, interact and share content with people depending on the type of company, industry or position.  Instagram is one of the excellent social platform for all types of brands that create a lot of visual content. Instagram audience is usually on a younger side with more female users than male users. That is why this is one of the best platform for businesses selling products or services related to lifestyle, art, fashion or other kind of businesses.  Pinterest is another channel, which is becoming popular for sharing image-oriented content. This already become a necessity for consumers who are interested in DIY, food, fitness, fashion, crafts, home improvement, and much more. You may use Pinterest If your brand sells a product or service that goes well with images, » [3, p.42]. Developing a social media policy is a significant part of ensuring that each of your promotions helps you get closer to achieving your marketing targets. As soon as you have decided which channels you plan to use, you should to think about how often you plan to publish and what types of content you will publish. As for managing social media, consistency is crucial. In order to engage customers in these channels and develop them, you must constantly publish high-quality content. Effective method of this is to create a schedule on social networks, which will indicate when and what you will publish on which channels. The best way to keep track of your business is creating an editorial calendar for managing social networks. Customizing this editorial calendar is also helpful for your business. Just be sure to include basic data, such as publication date, content, and any kind of link or image.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (14) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Akramov I.I. MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL NETWORKING // Вестник науки №5 (14) том 4. С. 212 - 217. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1394 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1394

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* В выпусках журнала могут упоминаться организации (Meta, Facebook, Instagram) в отношении которых судом принято вступившее в законную силу решение о ликвидации или запрете деятельности по основаниям, предусмотренным Федеральным законом от 25 июля 2002 года № 114-ФЗ 'О противодействии экстремистской деятельности' (далее - Федеральный закон 'О противодействии экстремистской деятельности'), или об организации, включенной в опубликованный единый федеральный список организаций, в том числе иностранных и международных организаций, признанных в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации террористическими, без указания на то, что соответствующее общественное объединение или иная организация ликвидированы или их деятельность запрещена.