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Rejepova A., Elyasov R., Shchetinina L., Bekbaeva O.




melanocytic tumors are nevi, which often form among benign neoplasms of the eye organ in children. Pigmented (spotted) nevi can very rarely occur in conjunctival nodes and border glands. Melanocytoses near the skin are characterized by the fact that in the embryonic period their melanocytes are located deeply due to the cessation of migration.   

Ключевые слова:
melanocytic tumors, eye organ, eyelids, conjunctiva, health, medical   

Melanocytic tumors are nevi, which often form among benign neoplasms of the eye organ in children. Pigmented (spotted) nevi can very rarely occur in conjunctival nodes and border glands. Melanocytoses near the skin are characterized by the fact that in the embryonic period their melanocytes are located deeply due to the cessation of migration. It can appear on the skin of the eyelids and orbit, in the deep layers of the conjunctiva, sclera and uveal layer. Clinically, they may appear as blue nevi due to the light scattering effect. In general, deep nevi (or melanocytosis of the eye) are characterized by diffuse pigmentation from blue to pale gray, which is characteristic of the inertia of the conjunctiva during its movement. Epibulbar benign nevi in most cases do not undergo malignant transformation, and therefore not all nevi are usually removed for prophylactic purposes. However, there are no generally accepted guidelines for the treatment of melanocytic cases of the conjunctiva. Therefore, rapidly growing nevi should be removed immediately.Children underwent standard ophthalmological examinations for neoplasms of the eyelids and conjunctiva (epibulbar). Among all neoplasms, nevi were detected in 141 (23.4%) eyes, of which 57 (40.4%) were on the eyelids and 84 (59.6%) were on the conjunctiva. In 4 cases out of 57 nevi, it was established that they were located in the intermarginal zone of the eyelids. The age of the patients ranged from 3 to 15 years. Most progressive nevi are diagnosed in children aged 7 to 14 years. Dangerous melanomas of the conjunctiva and vascular layer of the eye have not been identified in children. The smallest nevus size was 2x2 mm, and the largest was 15x8 mm. In all 141 children, nevi were surgically removed, maintaining their ablastic appearance: in 84 - in various parts of the epibulbar conjunctiva, including in 37 - located in the limbal part of the falx. Of the 57 eyelid nevi, in 14 cases they were localized on the skin of the eyelids, in 43 cases - on the conjunctiva of the eyelids.Results and discussion. Nevi arise from the epithelium or skin of the conjunctiva and are considered a neuroectodermal disorder of pigment cell development. Clinical manifestations of the disease are variable and depend on the location of the tumor, size, degree of pigmentation, vascularization, nature of the boundaries, reactive growth of the epithelium, and the presence of cystic silver foci. The biomicroscopic examination method made it possible to identify the characteristic symptoms of nevi in children. Most often they are located in the perilimbal zone: depending on the size and shape of the eyeball, they are found in the outer and inner segments of the limb, in the lacrimal canal. There were also cases where the tumor was located at the edge of the eyelids, including in the dome of the conjunctiva and at the apex of the falx. Weakly pigmented cases were found in 24 patients.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Rejepova A., Elyasov R., Shchetinina L., Bekbaeva O. CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND EFFECTIVENESS OF TREATMENT OF EYE NEVI IN CHILDREN // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 2. С. 742 - 744. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13894 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13894

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