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Bugrayeva O., Geldiyeva A.




Magtymguly is the greatest representative of Turkmen literature, credited with the creation of Turkmen written literature, and whose literary form became a powerful symbol of the historical and the incipient national consciousness of the Turkmen people. The rich literary heritage of Magtymguly Pyragy is comprehensive. The main significance was given to the unity of the nation, patriotism, bravity and generosity in the literary works of the wise poet, unity of his people. Patriotic education plays an important role in Magtymguly’s poems. The poems of Magtymguly Pyragy are a classical guide to educating young people the qualities such as heroism and courage.   

Ключевые слова:
patriotic poet, unity, integrity, humanitarianism, spirituality, poetic creativity   

Magtymguly, a great figure of classical Turkmen literature. Magtymguly’s literary heritage has been living in the minds of our people for centuries as an example of humanity, courage, wisdom, patriotism, morality, and wisdom with his wonderful works of wisdom. Magtymguly left many of his poems on various themes, such as patriotism, unity, friendship, advice, courage, to our literary creativity. The creativity of Magtymguly Pyragy is a source of inspiration for us. In educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, the poetic poems of our poet are a source of merit and a school of education. Esteemed Arkadag Serdar says: “Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker and sage of the East, has taken an eternal place in the hearts of people with his deep wise verses. Pyragy’s works, promoting humanism, honesty and unity, are invaluable values for all mankind. The creativity of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great master of words, is a valuable spiritual and moral school for all times. The poet’s wonderful works of wisdom, his wise thoughts in his poems on spiritual and moral topics are a unique guide in preserving the spiritual values of his people, educating the young generation and preparing them for life as a high example of patriotism, courage, pure morality, humanity, humanitarianism.In order to educate the younger generations in the spirit of patriotism, the poet cited in his poems the images of the historical heroes and personalities, namely Gorogly, Rustem Zaly, Jemshid, and Alexander. His poems “Turkmeniu”, “Turkmen binasy”, “Depe nedir, duz nedir”, “Gerekdir”, “uigide”, “Ykrarsyz urden” and many others describe such characteristic features of Turkmen men as courage, fearlessness, fortitude, bravery and loyalty. The poem “Turkmeniu” is a proof for it:Suleuman, Rustem-u Zal, Jemuit oua bolmuu geda,Gunde uuz muu salsa leuger, degmez uanyu belasy.Magtymguly loved his homeland and placed it in a higher place. He showed a great example of love and loyalty to the country. The wise poet advises to always love the Motherland and protect it faithfully, in his poem “Aurylma”:Mestana uurinuuu gaury uurdunda, unup-usen uz uurduudan aurylma. Magrur kukilik deu nebsiu ugrunda Dama duuup, ganatyudan aurylma.— he paid special attention to training young patriots who could attack the enemy at any time. Magtymguly lived in a turbulent and complicated time. Breathing in the air of that time, the poet always called the country and its people to unity and unity with his wise and rational thoughts and called them to fight to build a unified state. Great poet says this in his poem “Turkmeniu”: Bir suprada tauuar kylynsa aular, Guteriler ol ykbaly turkmeniu… he stated. At that time, Magtymguly fought for the unification of Turkmen and the establishment of a unified state. In his poems, Magtymguly often addresses the issues of patriotism, independent state, unity and peaceful living. He wants the Turkmen people to live happily in a powerful state. He expresses this wish through these lines: Hor galmasyn puutdan-puutum Berkarar duwlet isturin.The instructive poems of Magtymguly Pyragy are aimed at educating the younger generation as kind and courageous young men, because the images of virtues from a young age are instilled in the mind of a young person by the desire to be like the glorious sons of the nation. The poem “Turkmeniu” is a proof for it:The poet’s dream has come true in our days. The Turkmen nation has now united into a unified state and has become one of the prestigious states known to the whole world.Bringing up the correct moral ideals in the minds of young generation begins in the family, which means that the poetry of the healer of human souls Magtymguly, should be the family’s reference book. If every family strives for the happiness of its future generation, then the advice of our mentor Magtymguly must be followed and instill it in the younger generation. At present, our state is preparing for a wide celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy. This holiday will be a clear proof of the high respect that the Turkmen people have for the great poet and how high his authority in the world is” [2], and his words prove that the work of Magtymguly Pyragy is universally valuable.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Bugrayeva O., Geldiyeva A. THE IDEA OF PATRIOTISM IN THE POEMS OF MAGTYMGULY PYRAGY // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 2. С. 449 - 452. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13846 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13846

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