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Hasanov Z.A., Damirov A.H.




the main issue of managing the mode of the electric network is to ensure that the quality indicators of the voltage level at the points of demand meet the standards specified in the DST and the favorable mode of the electricity supply. To satisfy these requirements, it is necessary to use the device for regulating the voltage and compensating the reactive power. As the issue is important for the national economy, it should be solved together for feeder and distribution networks. Economic efficiency should be ensured due to the compensation of reactive power for each network, and as a result, the voltage level in the node loads will also improve. If this improvement is not enough in different modes, then regulated reactive power sources and it is necessary to use adjustable transformers under load.   

Ключевые слова:
reactive power, compensation, efficiency, voltage, useful duty ratio, solid waste   

DOI 10.24412/2712-8849-2024-473-671-675

The waste management and recycling process is one of the key steps involved in a green supply chain system. This scientific subject is one of the current issues of modern economy and ecology. The systematic management of this process, which is one of the main topics of the green supply chain system, is becoming more and more important. Since the planet is running out of resources, putting waste back into the economy will reduce the environmental threats that rise along with the economic benefits. Waste management plays an important role in protecting environmental sustainability and public health. This process involves organizing and controlling waste materials to minimize negative impacts on ecosystems and human well-being. The main goal of effective waste management is to reduce waste generation, optimize resource recovery through recycling and reuse, and ensure safe disposal of non-recyclable and hazardous waste. This comprehensive process includes various measures such as waste collection, transportation, processing and final disposal. Implementing effective waste management approaches is critical to reducing pollution, protecting natural resources and promoting a circular economy. Waste management remains a pressing issue globally and requires serious attention. Despite efforts in some areas, the general reality is characterized by significant difficulties. However, if we take into account that it is more important to ensure the voltage level in the nodal loads, then the issue of reactive power compensation should be solved on the condition that the voltage level is ensured, and then the economic efficiency should be paid. At this time, the lowest voltage node where the reactive power compensating device (RGK) should be installed in the network is determined, then the next low voltage node is determined and the compensating device is installed, this is continued until the voltage at all nodes is at the required level. Then, in the second stage, in terms of economic efficiency, i.e., to reduce the loss of electrical energy, it is determined whether it is appropriate to additionally compensate the reactive power. There are natural and artificial methods of reactive power compensation. Special events held in natural road enterprises, saving electricity, etc. measures. Artificial compensation is mainly used. For this purpose, synchronous compensator or adjustable capacitor batteries are mostly used. Capacitors differ from synchronous compensators in many advantages, which is why capacitors are used in most cases to solve compensation problems. The power system network is a complex scheme, the structure of which includes a certain number of closed circuits. The calculation carried out in such conditions involves obtaining the protected values     of interconnected Q, which apply to all consumers fed from the common network. When making calculations, losses should be taken into account not only in the power system's own networks, but also in consumer networks, as well as the available power of synchronous motors in consumer networks. The current situation regarding the payment for reactive energy in our country is as follows:1. There is no directive to limit the consumption of reactive energy, ie. consumers, on the one hand, consume reactive energy uncontrollably, and on the other hand, as in most countries, there is no permitted portion of reactive energy that they can consume for free.2. The cost of consumed reactive power is so low that consumers are not encouraged to install compensating devices, because it is easier for them to pay this minimum and they do not spend a lot of money on purchasing and installing compensating devices. The energy supply organization that accepts this small payment for reactive energy works for itself a significant loss, because the payment received is at least 25-30 times less than the real prices, and on average it can be up to 50 times [26].In connection with the above, it is necessary to change the current payment method for reactive energy and transfer technology to EU countries and other developed countries. Reactive power compensation devices installed in the consumer are required to ensure the consumption of reactive power from the power system under the conditions of connecting the electrical equipment of this consumer to the power system. The selection and placement of reactive power compensation in electric networks should be carried out in accordance with the current guidelines on reactive power compensation . In most countries, as the analysis shows, the standard cos  indicator is 0.95. One of the most important problems is the problem of reducing electricity losses. According to the well-known expression:   =   2  2 R =   2  2 R +   2  2 R =      +      Energy losses in networks consist of losses related to the passage of active and reactive power through the electrical network. As can be seen from the equation, in order to reduce active power losses, it is necessary to reduce the reactive power Q, maintain it at the required level and not reduce the cross-section of the network. The most effective is to increase cos  and reduce the reactive power accordingly. Reducing reactive power also allows reducing voltage loss, as can be seen in the popular expression:   =        +        =      +      Conclusion. Research conducted for the evaluation of reactive power in the electrical system the results are shown and developed based on reference to the main normative documents in some countries corresponding proposals were given with the method. Reactive power factor and reactive energy results obtained for different voltage levels of the electrical system according to the calculation are assessments.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Hasanov Z.A., Damirov A.H. INVESTIGATION OF REACTIVE POWER IN INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1. С. 671 - 675. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13766 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13766

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