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Bychkova A.A.




volunteer movement is aimed at the formation and development of social activity, increasing the level of responsibility, fostering loyalty, honesty, justice, tolerance, friendship, kindness and hard work. Studying at a higher educational institution involves not only the formation and development of professional competencies, but also cultural and moral development, the formation of a civic position, and the development of work abilities. The solution of these tasks involves the use of various technologies, one of which is the involvement of students in volunteer activities.   

Ключевые слова:
volunteer groups, volunteerism, students, assistance, mutual assistance   

Volunteer activity is a voluntary form of association to achieve socially significant goals, contributing to social activity and personal growth of its participants [2]. The development and popularization of the volunteer movement and student self-government are aimed at increasing the level of social activity of students and is one of the priorities of educational work at the university [4]. Volunteers are the leaders of the university, its main intellectual and innovative capital. The development of the volunteer movement is an integral component of educational activities at the university. Volunteering allows you to solve a number of tasks: - creating conditions for the involvement of young people in the development of the university, the region and the country as a whole; - creating conditions for students to participate in socially significant actions; - organization of leisure activities for students; - development of creativity and self-confidence; - acquisition of new knowledge and skills; - increasing the competitiveness of young professionals in the labor market who have social development skills. The development of the volunteer movement is carried out in the following conditions: - promotion of the ideas of volunteerism, both among university teachers and students; - the work of those who support the ideas of voluntary service to society and contribute to their implementation. - implementation of gratuitous assistance. The volunteer movement is a systematic work of the university administration and students, It provides: - purposefulness of education and upbringing as a means of achieving goals; - Democratic governance; - recognition of the equality of personal and social needs; - voluntary nature and the right to choose an activity; - informality, non-standard content of the activity; - the choice of means to achieve goals; - joint problem solving; - willingness to protect the interests of others; - personal growth of volunteers [ 2 ]. The involvement of young people in volunteerism contributes to: - development of patriotic education and understanding of national and state interests; - strengthening of universal human values; - the development of spiritual and moral values; - reduction of aggressiveness; - reducing the risks of involving young people in antisocial behavior; - develop a willingness to cooperate with other people; - development of self-expression, self-determination, self-realization; - the development of respect for another point of view; - creative growth; - increasing intercultural tolerance in society.The implementation of volunteer activities is possible within the framework of a number of projects: - humanitarian; - socio-cultural; - information and advisory services; - environmental [4]. Volunteering has a number of advantages, it: - develops project culture and project thinking; - develops communication skills; - teaches you how to delegate authority; - teaches you to be responsible for joint interaction; - develops leadership skills; - increases discipline; - develops initiative. Tolerance is a value and a social norm of civil society, as it is aimed at ensuring a balance between different groups (ethnic, political, religious, etc. D.), the development of respect and willingness to understand representatives of different cultures. A tolerant person has adequate self-esteem, a high sense of self-worth and a system of moral norms and values. Thus, participation in the volunteer movement develops value orientations, allows you to solve the urgent problem of leisure activities, increases your communicative potential, teaches you to properly allocate your free time, reduces malevolence, intolerance and aggressiveness.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Bychkova A.A. THE ESSENCE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES IN THE UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1. С. 370 - 372. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13719 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13719

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