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Serhenov M., Seyitnyyazov K., Muhammedov M.




this article provides a brief overview of determining the production capacity of an enterprise and determining the production capacity balance. It also talks about providing an analysis of the enterprise's production and economic planning.   

Ключевые слова:
economics, management, enterprise economics, production capacity, production balance, planning   

The production capacity of the enterprise is defined as the possible volume of product production in this machine during the specified period. A more precise definition allows us to consider the production capacity as the maximum possible annual (day, night, shift) volume of production of products (works, services) of the specified nomenclature and types in this machine in a certain working order.The balance of production capacity is a special balance that characterizes the state of production capacity connected with the conditions of their continuous production and the level of utilization through a system of indicators. This applies primarily to the asset side of primary production funds. The balance sheet of production capacity contains information on production capacity at the beginning of the planning period, as well as information on their increase (initiation) and decrease (exit) during this period. In this, the balance sheet describes the specific resources that are put into operation (initiation of new capacities, modernization of existing ones, organizational measures, lease) and the reasons for the exit of production capacities (depreciation of production funds, leasing of funds, etc.).When planning and analyzing the production and economic activity of the enterprise, as well as when drawing up the balance of production capacity, they distinguish input, output and average annual production capacity.The output production capacity of an enterprise or its structural unit is the capacity at the end of the relevant period. Input power at the beginning of a period is calculated as the sum of the input power from various sources during that period and the output power during that period.Average annual capacity is the annual average capacity of the enterprise or its structural units, taking into account the increase and withdrawal of existing capacity.The balance of production capacity can be defined by the following formula:Mch = Mgir + Mgtch + Mte + Mnom – Mchgwhere Mch is production capacity (output capacity) at the end of the planning period, Mgir - beginning of the year (input) capacity, Mgtch - increase of production capacity during the planning period due to organizational and technical measures, Mte - capacity increase due to expansion, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, Mnom – capacity increase (+) or decrease (–) due to change in product nomenclature and types, - Reduction of production capacity due to the outflow of capital production funds. The production capacity of the enterprise and the balance of capacities are calculated in units of planned and registered production of products (works, services) in the enterprise.The production capacity of the enterprise is determined by calculating the capacity of the main factories or sections, the main production units and equipment for a certain period (year). It takes into account the possibility of taking measures to eliminate "bottlenecks". Basic production units include units that perform the main technological operations of product production. If the enterprise has several main production departments corresponding to separate stages of technological processes, the production capacity is determined by those departments, whichever department has the highest volume evaluated by labor intensity or natural units of measurement.The production capacity of an industrial enterprise is calculated according to the entire nomenclature of the output product. In case of multi-nomenclature production, it would be advisable to bring the nomenclature to one or more types of the same product, which is considered as a unit of measurement.Capacity can be calculated in terms of value as well as in terms of cost, as well as in terms of the production program, in terms of the whole commodity and its individual types.The calculation of the operation of enterprises in the conditions of the market economy involves the use of indicators of nominal marginal production capacity and achievable normal production capacity.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Serhenov M., Seyitnyyazov K., Muhammedov M. DETERMINING THE PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF THE ENTERPRISE AND DRAWING UP THE BALANCE OF PRODUCTION CAPACITY // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1. С. 27 - 29. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13662 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13662

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