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Aitkaliyeva A.




the relevance of the chosen topic is considered. An analysis of the dynamics of changes in the volume of public-private partnership projects, implemented during 2016-2022 years in Kazakhstan, is carried out. The peculiarities of the application of public-private partnership project implementation models in Kazakhstan are considered. The results of the research are summarized and the prospects for the continuing research on the chosen topic are evaluated.   

Ключевые слова:
public-private partnership projects, state and enterprise cooperation, material financial resources, risk management system, common partnership mechanisms   

1. Introduction. Governments in most developed countries face the challenge to meet the growing demand for new and better infrastructure services. They have found that partnership with the private sector is an attractive alternative to increase and to improve the supply of infrastructure services. There are several reasons for the growing collaboration with the private sector in developing and providing infrastructure services, which include:-increasing efficiency in project delivery;-availability of additional resources to meet the growing needs of investment in the sector; -accessing to advanced technology (both hardware and software). All of the above determines the relevance of the chosen topic.2. Literature review. With the active use of the mechanism of public-private partnership in international practice there is no single definition and generally accepted classification of its types, each country independently and independently defines the concept of public-private partnership and its types.In this regard, many countries are increasingly turning to public-private partnerships (PPP) as an effective alternative to building and renovating necessary infrastructure and providing public services[1]. For example, according to the World Bank, PPPs are used by more than 134 developing countries around the world, providing 15 to 20% of additional infrastructure investment[2].The study of the mechanisms of public-private partnership projects implementation in Kazakhstan is covered in the works of such scientists as G. Abzalbek, K. Beketova, A. Dubel, M. Fathi, R. Kamassak, K. Khassenova, G. Koshebaeva, Y. Lai, Z. Magrupova, N. Nurmukhametov, T. Y. Ozturk, W. Shao, P. Shrestha, S. Wu, H. Yurdakul, S. Yusupova and others. The above-mentioned scientists considered the peculiarities of the application of models to the implementation of public-private partnership projects in Kazakhstan [3-9]. Despite the active consideration of issues on the chosen topic, it`s still possible to identify the most effective model to the implementation of public-private partnership projects in Kazakhstan, which determines the need to continue conducting research on the chosen topic.3. Methods. Various methods were used to study the issues of public-private partnership. Thus, the methods of theoretical and practical analysis were used in the study of works of foreign authors and materials of implementation of public-private partnership projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan.The purpose of the article is to reveal the characteristic features of models to the implementation of public-private partnership projects in Kazakhstan. To fulfill the set goal, it`s necessary to implement a number of tasks, such as:carrying out an analysis of the dynamics of changes in the volume of the public-private partnership projects, implemented during 2016-2022 years in Kazakhstan; considering the peculiarities of the application of public-private partnership project implementation models in Kazakhstan.The object of the research is the public-private partnership projects, implemented during 2016-2022 years in Kazakhstan. The subject of the research is the characteristic features of models to the implementation of public-private partnership projects in Kazakhstan. In order to reveal the characteristic features of models to the implementation of the public-private partnership projects in Kazakhstan, it`s used scientific methods such as data analysis and comparative analysis. 4. Results. The public-private partnership is the form of cooperation between a public partner and a private partner [3]. The experience of the public-private partnership projects development in developed economies can be used for the improvement of the Kazakhstan`s public-private partnership project development system [8]. At the same time, it`s necessary to monitoring and planning the process of the public-private partnership projects implementation in Kazakhstan (Figure 1).The sectoral structure of the public-private partnership projects, is characterized by the supporting positions of the following sectors of the economy, such as education (378 contracts worth 77 million tenge were concluded), healthcare (143 contracts worth 55 million tenge), energy, housing and communal services (56 contracts worth 377 million tenge) [6].For 2023, there were an additional 22 projects, agreements that were concluded. The total amount of state obligations, paid from the local budget in accordance with the agreements, was 3,5 billion tenge [7].The government uses the following models of the public-private partnership projects implementation, such as:selecting the public-private partnership projects model;institutional responsibilities manual model;procedures manual model [5].Figure 1. The volume of the public-private partnership projects, implemented during 2016-2022 years in Kazakhstan [8].From figure 1 it can be concluded that the growth rate of the public-private partnership contracts (projects) has significantly increased during the considered period. Analysis of data for the period from 2021 to 2022 shows that 34 public-private partnership projects were implemented in the region at different stages. All above models use common mechanisms of public-private partnership projects implementation, changing the level of responsibility for each process between the government and the private entities (Figure 2-Figure 3).Figure 2. Common mechanisms of public-private partnership projects implementation [10].From figure 2 it can be concluded that all models delegate different type of responsibility between partners. While implementing the first model, it`s important to prioritize objective criteria including cost-benefit analysis and financial modeling. Economic and social factors are seen if the project has a direct impact in the welfare of the community. Third-party organizations are involved in order to assign certain functions and specific obligations [4]. Figure 3. Subjects of the public-private partnership projects implementation [9].From figure 3 it can be concluded that the public-private partnership projects implementation creates collaboration between the government, the private entities and the financial institutions. According to the second model implementing, the public-private partnership project is the final result of multiple interactions and decisions, made by different government institutions. This model is characterized with commercial hiring, leasing, all types of leasing, pre-and integrated project financing using for the public-private partnership projects implementation (12(. In the third model there are the public-private partnership projects in Kazakhstan, within which central government bodies (ministries) and local executive bodies act as public partners. This model is characterized with using various forms and methods of combining the efforts of a number of partners, responsible for individual stages of creating a new consumer value. So, the public-private partnership projects implementation demonstrates the efficiency of the collaboration between the government and the private entities [11].5. Discussion and conclusion. The issue of participation in the decision making on public-private partnership projects plays a vital democratic role for the public, inasmuch as it allows people and interests groups to influence the government decisions on it that affect their lives and interests, thus promoting democracy in practice. Moreover, public participation is also essential in terms of the effective realization of public-private partnership projects which is implemented by governments for the benefits of people in the first place. Public participation in the decision making on public-private partnership projects can be a critical factor in effective implementation of this kind of projects not only in Kazakhstan, but, also, in other countries.As the findings of the research shows, the implications of the public participation in the decision making on public-private partnership projects for the society in Kazakhstan can be the development and the advancement of political pluralism, civil society, social capital, enhancement of representative democracy, as well as the promotion of local, participatory and e-democracy. All above-mentioned determines the need to continue conducting research on the chosen topic in future.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Aitkaliyeva A. ANALYSIS OF IMPLEMENTATION PPP (PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP) PROJECTS IN KAZAKHSTAN // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 1. С. 13 - 20. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13659 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13659

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