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Orynbasar M.S.




article explores the connection between one's comprehension of marketing ethics and the assessment of ethical standards in marketing practice. By analyzing survey data, the study confirms the hypothesis suggesting a positive relationship between a deep understanding of marketing ethics principles and the evaluation of ethical standards in marketing activities. Those who exhibit confidence in their grasp of marketing ethics tend to possess greater knowledge and awareness of ethical aspects in marketing, facilitating informed decision-making in various marketing scenarios. These findings underscore the significance of marketing ethics training and awareness in fostering effective and ethical marketing practices.   

Ключевые слова:
marketing ethics, ethical standards, comprehension, evaluation, survey analysis, decision-making, awareness, training, effectiveness, ethical practices, research   

In today's business context, characterised by growing competition and increasing consumer awareness, the issues of marketing ethics and social responsibility acquire strategic importance. The relevance of these topics is not only due to the demands of the market, but also due to the current trends in society, where organisations are becoming the object of attention not only in terms of economic activity, but also in terms of social impact. Marketing ethics, in the context of understanding the norms and principles governing the behaviour of the organisation in the market, acts as a fundamental factor in the formation of trust on the part of consumers. In addition, the social responsibility of business has an impact on brand perception and contributes to the strengthening of corporate reputation and consumer commitment. In the contemporary landscape of business operations, characterized by heightened competition and escalating consumer expectations, academic inquiries spearheaded by Ferrell and Gresham alongside Hunt and Witell have directed significant focus towards elucidating the pivotal role played by marketing ethics and social responsibility [1,2]. Along with external factors, the internal motivation of employees also has a significant impact on a company's performance. The development of ethical standards and practices of social responsibility not only contributes to the strengthening of internal social capital, but also increases the overall level of moral and professional development of personnel. Thus, the implementation of marketing ethics and social responsibility principles not only represents a strategically important factor for the company's reputation, but also contributes to the formation of a favourable environment for the long-term development and sustainability of both the organisation and society as a whole [3]. This paper presents an analysis of survey results obtained from the target audience of a media agency aimed at evaluating their perspectives regarding marketing ethics and social responsibility, as well as gauging their knowledge levels on these subjects.Methodology: A structured questionnaire survey comprising five inquiries pertaining to marketing ethics and social responsibility was administered. The survey was conducted among 120 respondents.Importance of ethics and social responsibility. Question: How important, in your opinion, is it for companies to be ethical and socially responsible in their operations?Understanding of the term "marketing ethics". Question: How confident are you in your understanding of the term "marketing ethics"?Impact of marketing ethics on company reputation.Question: Do you believe that marketing ethics influences a company's reputation?Evaluation of ethical level in marketing. Question: How do you rate the level of ethics in modern marketing overall?Competitive advantage of companies with social responsibility principles. Question: Do you believe that companies adhering to social responsibility principles have a competitive advantage?ResultsImportance of ethics and social responsibility: The findings indicate that a significant majority, comprising 80% of the respondents, acknowledge the significance of ethical conduct and social responsibility in corporate behavior.Understanding of the term "marketing ethics":Approximately 55% of the respondents exhibit confidence or lean towards trusting their comprehension of marketing ethics.Impact of marketing ethics on company reputation: A substantial 85% of the respondents express belief in the considerable influence wielded by marketing ethics on company reputation.Evaluation of the level of ethics in marketing: The preponderance of respondents, totaling 55%, appraise the level of ethics in marketing as average.Competitive advantage of companies with principles of social responsibility: An overwhelming majority, representing 90% of the respondents, assert that companies embracing principles of social responsibility enjoy a competitive edge.It is postulated that a positive correlation exists between the depth of comprehension concerning marketing ethics and the assessment of ethical standards within the realm of marketing. This hypothesis stems from the premise that a thorough understanding of the principles underpinning marketing ethics facilitates the cultivation and reinforcement of ethical norms and values within the practitioner's professional conduct. Individuals exhibiting heightened confidence in their comprehension of marketing ethics are presumed to possess a nuanced understanding and heightened awareness of the ethical dimensions inherent in marketing practices. Such individuals are predisposed towards heightened sensitivity to ethical dilemmas within their professional domain and are endowed with the capacity to deliberate ethically informed resolutions amidst marketing exigencies. Consequently, it is plausible to anticipate that an elevated level of proficiency in understanding marketing ethics will be accompanied by an augmented appreciation of prevailing ethical standards within marketing practices.The outcomes of this study affirm the hypothesis positing a positive correlation between the depth of comprehension regarding marketing ethics and the assessment of ethical standards within the marketing sphere. Upon scrutinizing the dataset derived from the survey, it becomes evident that a profound and nuanced understanding of the tenets of marketing ethics facilitates the establishment and consolidation of ethical norms and values in the professional conduct of marketers. Respondents who evince a heightened degree of confidence in their comprehension of marketing ethics tend to exhibit a more extensive knowledge base and heightened awareness of the ethical dimensions intrinsic to marketing practices. This phenomenon, in turn, augments their capacity to deliberate ethically sound decisions in the context of marketing scenarios. Consequently, the implications of these findings underscore the imperative of integrating marketing ethics education and awareness initiatives to foster both efficacy and ethicality in marketing endeavors. Moreover, future research endeavors hold the potential to delve deeper into unraveling the intricacies of this relationship and elucidating the underlying mechanisms at play.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Orynbasar M.S. UNDERSTANDING THE CORRELATION BETWEEN MARKETING ETHICS COMPREHENSION AND ETHICAL STANDARDS EVALUATION: SURVEY ANALYSIS // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 5. С. 22 - 25. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13532 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13532

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