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Atayev G.R., Gayypov M.A., Charyyev B.W.




article provides a brief overview of how to solve problems related to design (operational) planning and dispatching in an enterprise. It also discusses the Ordering System and the Planning-Registration Unit.   

Ключевые слова:
economics, management, business economics, planning, dispatching, determination, conclusion   

Production planning (MOP) in an industrial enterprise is the final stage of planning within the firm. The PMC clarifies and details the production program, ensures the timely delivery of plan assignments to the units, and also performs a coordinating function, creating conditions for the harmonious operation of all units of the enterprise. The main goal of the POE is to ensure the balanced and uninterrupted production of products in the prescribed quantities in the prescribed periods with the efficient use of production capacities. The manufactured product must meet quality standards. The main functions of the NDP include:- development of calendar-planning rules of production (length of production period, volume of stages, etc.),- calculations of workload of equipment and areas,- preparation of preliminary programs of the main production units and preparation sites, - design management registration and monitoring of program execution,- planning the production process, identifying deviations from the plan in time, developing and implementing measures to correct them.The NDP is carried out in two phases. In the first stage, production plans are developed based on the annual production program (operational-chronological planning). In the second stage - permanent, continuous, design management is recorded and monitored, and the implementation of plans is regulated. Under these conditions, deviations from the prescribed rules that occur during the production process are detected and corrected in a timely manner. Collectively, these tasks constitute a dispatch function.Production planning and dispatching production are based on certain systems of planningThe production management system is understood as a set of elements, types and methods of planning and management accounting, which includes:- the procedure for coordinating and coordinating the work of units,- determination of plan-registration unit,- choosing the size of the planning period,- creating calendar-planning assignments for production units, etc.In enterprises, as a rule, the EMS system is determined by the type of production. In the existing work experience of the country, the following systems are more widespread:– order planning,– periodic planning with advance,– "for storage" planning (min-max),- planning for proposed products,- planning according to the pace of the output,– integrated planning.An order system is specific to a particular production. As a planning-accounting unit, an order is accepted as the sum of certain products (juices, assembly units, etc.). This order must be prepared during the planning phase. The system is based on the development and implementation of a compatible schedule (graphic) of the technical preparation for the production of each order and its phased implementation, taking into account the schedule of other orders.In advance, periodic planning assumes a phased model of production. Lead time refers to the calendared amount of time that each part of the production process needs to move forward from the last part of the previous part in order to complete the work on time. The planning-accounting unit of such a system is the stock or collection unit. The concept consists in dividing the collection and release of various products into separate planning periods, observing the calendar progression between technological periods.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Atayev G.R., Gayypov M.A., Charyyev B.W. SOLVING OPERATIONAL PLANNING AND DISPATCHING ISSUES IN THE ENTERPRISE // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 5. С. 19 - 21. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13531 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13531

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