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Babayeva G., Hydyrova A.




article discusses verb phrases, their role and meaning in the English language. Verb words are set expressions in which one of the components is a verb, and the other is a word or phrase that does not have independent meaning. Such expressions are often used to enrich and diversify speech, as well as to make it more expressive.   

Ключевые слова:
verb phrases, English language, set expressions, metaphors, diversity, frequency of use, cultural significance   

The tapestry of human language is woven with threads of meaning that extend far beyond individual words. Nestled within the intricate folds of syntax lie verbal collocations, those magical pairings that native speakers instinctively grasp yet often leave learners perplexed. These powerful unions transcend mere grammatical correctness, imbuing speech and writing with a natural flow and subtle nuances that elevate expression to an art form.At the heart of verbal collocations lies the concept of frequency. Through repeated use over generations, certain words become accustomed to each other's company, forming partnerships that resonate with native speakers. The verb "make," for instance, dances effortlessly with "a decision," while its near-synonym "do" finds a more comfortable companion in "homework." This seemingly arbitrary linking isn't random, it's a testament to the language's inherent economy and efficiency. Collocations streamline communication, allowing us to express complex ideas with well-worn phrases that carry the weight of shared understanding.The influence of collocations extends far beyond practicality. These pairings infuse language with shades of meaning that individual words cannot capture alone. Consider the difference between "strong evidence" and "compelling evidence." While both denote certainty, "compelling" adds a layer of persuasion, hinting at an argument that is difficult to resist. In this way, collocations become linguistic brushstrokes, painting a richer and more vivid picture for the listener or reader.The realm of collocations encompasses a diverse range of partnerships. Verbs forge strong bonds with nouns, as exemplified by "conduct research" or "deliver a speech." Adjectives, too, find their perfect complements, imbuing nouns with specific qualities. We speak of "crippling debt" or "glaring errors," where the chosen adjectives not only describe but also evoke a particular emotional response. Even adverbs join the dance, modifying verbs in ways that convey intensity or manner. Imagine the difference between "walk quickly" and "stride confidently."Unearthing the secrets of collocations is an enriching journey for learners. By delving into these natural pairings, they begin to understand the unspoken rules that govern native speakers' intuition. This newfound knowledge empowers them to not only speak grammatically correct English but also to speak English that sounds natural and conveys their intended meaning with precision.However, the world of collocations is not without its complexities. The language is a living organism, constantly evolving and adapting. New collocations emerge, reflecting the ever-changing social and cultural landscape. Conversely, once-ubiquitous pairings can fade into obscurity. This dynamism necessitates a flexible approach to learning collocations. Rather than rote memorization, the focus should be on developing a keen ear for the music of language, attuning oneself to the natural ebb and flow of words in spoken and written English.In conclusion, verbal collocations are the unsung heroes of the English language. They are the invisible threads that bind words together, weaving meaning and shaping our understanding. By recognizing and harnessing the power of these partnerships, we elevate our communication from the mundane to the masterful, composing a symphony of language that resonates with both clarity and elegance.The exploration of verbal collocations ventures beyond the fundamental partnerships of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. The language offers a rich tapestry of more intricate relationships, each with its own unique contribution to expression.One such layer of complexity lies in phrasal verbs. These multi-word units, like "take off" or "run into," function as single verbs but carry subtle differences in meaning compared to their base forms. Understanding their collocations becomes crucial. For instance, we "take off" our clothes but "launch" a rocket. The choice of preposition alters the imagery and impact of the verb.Furthermore, collocations can extend beyond word pairs, forming idiomatic expressions. These figurative phrases, like "kick the bucket" (to die) or "spill the beans" (to reveal a secret), often defy literal interpretation. Mastering their collocations allows one to navigate the cultural nuances embedded within a language.The influence of context also plays a vital role. The same verb can collocate with different words depending on the situation. We "conduct an orchestra" but "conduct a survey." Recognizing these contextual variations empowers speakers to tailor their language for maximum impact.The realm of register adds another dimension. Formal writing may favor collocations like "extensive research" and "conclusive evidence," while informal settings might embrace "dig into some info" and "pretty convincing proof." Understanding these registral differences allows speakers to code-switch seamlessly between formal and casual situations.The study of collocations delves deeper than vocabulary building. It unveils the cultural underpinnings of language. Certain collocations, like "small talk" or "stiff upper lip," reflect specific societal norms and values. By mastering these pairings, learners gain a window into the soul of the language and the culture it represents.In conclusion, the world of verbal collocations is a labyrinth of intricate connections. It's a realm where basic word partnerships intertwine with phrasal verbs, idioms, and context-dependent variations. By unraveling these complexities, learners embark on a journey that transcends vocabulary acquisition, leading them to a deeper appreciation for the cultural tapestry woven into the fabric of the English language.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Babayeva G., Hydyrova A. VERBAL COLLOCATIONS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 3. С. 356 - 359. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13390 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13390

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