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Gutliyeva E.Ch., Geldimyradova S.G.




our young people are also very interested in learning world languages. Today, all opportunities are created to use modern technologies for independent language learning. Linguists recommend using conversational books at the initial stage of learning a foreign language.   

Ключевые слова:
foreign language, modern methods, languages   

There is a saying in Turkmen people that they travel the world with their language. During the Revival of the new epoch of a Powerful state, the importance and value of this word is even more appreciated. Today, in secondary and higher educational institutions of the country, in addition to imparting various knowledge to young people, great attention is paid to teaching foreign languages. Modern experience in the field of education has been gathered in this field. Foreign languages ??are taught to young people on the basis of special programs in secondary, special secondary and higher education schools of the country. In our capital and in other parts of the country, there are secondary schools that teach foreign languages ??in depth.There are secondary schools specialized in English, Russian, French, and Japanese languages ??in our country. In the full sense of the word, comprehensive conditions have been created in all schools of the country for deep learning of world languages. Today, language teachers of higher and general secondary schools of the country are studying modern methods of teaching, combining them with national experience and mastering them in their practice. Our young people are also very interested in learning world languages. Today, all opportunities are created to use modern technologies for independent language learning. Linguists recommend using conversational books at the initial stage of learning a foreign language.According to them, the words and sentence patterns provided in such books improve the ability to remember the general principles of sentence formation. This is because in most cases, the examples of sentences in the conversation books are given in the first sentence, which has a positive effect on the language learners' ability to use the relevant sentences in their daily life and their good memorization. That's why we teach students to read special literature and the peculiarities of sentence structure in them. When learning a language, you should aim to learn new words every day, but five of them must be practical. Because the use of verbs in sentences helps to fully express the idea. To increase vocabulary, you should translate new unfamiliar words every day and start memorizing them.From the first day you start learning a foreign language, you should try to speak it, describe everything you see around you. Another key habit to follow when learning a language is to repeat what you hear in your target language. You may not be able to repeat the same repetitions at first, but you should continue to repeat the areas you have already reached. By this method, it is possible to follow the correct speech tone by repeating the information heard from the TV-radio recordings. Also, once you understand the basic structures of the language you are learning, you should try to think in that language. With the development of science, more reliable and effective methods of language teaching are developed and put into practice. This creates benefits for both teachers and students.It allows you to save time spent on language learning. Advances are being made in introducing modern methods of English language teaching in the country. An interactive method in teaching a foreign language, i.e. taking a lesson through conversation, discussion, reading aloud, and narration, gives the best results. The active use of multimedia educational resources in the classroom and the use of electronic dictionaries also affect the quality of education. Likewise, writing essays, reading literary works, mastering the language of the media, etc. in the language of study are of great importance in improving the quality of the lesson.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Gutliyeva E.Ch., Geldimyradova S.G. DIRECTIONS AND WAYS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN TURKMENISTAN // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3. С. 221 - 223. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12991 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12991

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