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Rejebova G.N., Orazova Sh.M.




phonetics of oriental languages, especially the tone system in Japanese as well presents certain difficulties for students at the initial stage of training and requires close attention from the teacher. When learning the Japanese language, it is not only learning that is extremely important the language itself, but also familiarizing students with the culture of the country of the language being studied, peculiarities of the Japanese mentality, customs, culture of behavior, etiquette of everyday and business communication.   

Ключевые слова:
Japanese language, learn language, methods of teaching   

Unlike English, whose students have some degree of proficiency, Japanese language training starts from zero level. In addition, Japanese has a number of features that distinguish it from all European languages. First of all, this writing, which is a mixed letter (the KANA alphabet in its two styles 46 letters each - KATAKANA and HIRIGANA, as well as hieroglyphs borrowed from China). IN this connection takes a significant amount of time at the first stage of learning Japanese should be devoted to mastery of writing.Phonetics of oriental languages, especially the tone system in Japanese as well presents certain difficulties for students at the initial stage of training and requires close attention from the teacher.When learning the Japanese language, it is not only learning that is extremely important the language itself, but also familiarizing students with the culture of the country of the language being studied, peculiarities of the Japanese mentality, customs, culture of behavior, etiquette of everyday and business communication. Without mastering this knowledge, professional communication in the language with representatives of a “non-European” culture will be difficult. Teaching cultural knowledge should occur both during practical language classes and during special (optional or compulsory) courses in the 3rd and 4th years of study.Development of effective pedagogical techniques, teaching methods, requires the need to design the pedagogical process, comprehensive and systematic consideration of the main advantages and possible shortcomings, which will allow you to quickly respond, improve or adjust individual elements of the pedagogical process. Creation methods for developing strategic competence involves taking into account many factors, the use of a number of techniques and compliance fundamental approaches, which obliges the development, first of all, lingo didactic model. The process, the use of which will ensure effectiveness of the methodology implementation.Currently, much attention is paid to the functioning communicative competence within the framework of Japanese language teaching issues. As mentioned above, the Japan Foundation has developed a teaching standard Japanese language (JF standard), based on the Common European System Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which is used in European methods of teaching foreign languages. According to system of standards of the Japan Foundation, which can be considered linguodidactic basis of teaching, language communication is considered as communicative language competence and communicative language activities that are expressed in the form of a “Japan Foundation Standards Tree” (JF ????????).The International Japanese Language Center is also actively promoting the idea using visual material during classes, for example, pictures, graphics or video. This approach is quite effective, since it leads to faster understanding of information by students, it becomes easier for the teacher to present content, and for students. It becomes more interesting to learn a new language. Also, it is worth noting that information that a person receives from watching a video, for example, remains in long-term memory, since the situation from the video much easier to remember than the situation that the teacher explained in words.An example would be a situation where the teacher has already given the basics of Japanese grammar and you can move from a simple lecture presentation of material to a more interesting one when students themselves try to analyze and formulate the correct meaning of the construction. For example, when you need to disassemble the structure ?????(te iru), which determines the long-term appearance, can be shown to the class a picture of a student currently learning Japanese, and suggest students to translate the sentence themselves.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Rejebova G.N., Orazova Sh.M. STUDYING THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE IN TURKMENISTAN AND MODERN METHODS OF TEACHING IT // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1. С. 218 - 220. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12759 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12759

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