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Rejebova G.N., Kurbanbayeva A.




to teach Japanese also need to rely on your native language and take into account experience students in learning other languages. Especially in the conditions of a language university, where the study of several foreign languages can take place in parallel, there is a comparison of linguistic phenomena in different languages, for more effective learning. If the student does not know how to apply his past experience studying, especially in relation to the Japanese language.   

Ключевые слова:
teach Japanese, methods of teaching, language   

The activation of international relations between Turkmenistan and Japan in businessmen, professionals, teachers, among linguists, the desire of young people to study Japanese more thoroughly increases. Today, the President's efforts and Japanese in secondary and higher education schools of Turkmenistan began to be studied as a professional language and as a second language. Japanese effectiveness and modernity of language learning, first of all, this language norm of correct spelling and pronunciation of words depends on the mastery.Japanese is the national language of Japan. About 140 million people speak Japanese. Japanese belongs to the Altaic language family. It is an agglutinative language in its grammatical structure. The modern Japanese writing system of the world's languages is considered the most complex among them. Katakana and hiragana. There are about 2,000 words in this language, which is based on the two-syllable alphabet has hieroglyphs.To teach Japanese, you also need to rely on your native language and take into account experience students in learning other languages. Especially in the conditions of a language university, where the study of several foreign languages can take place in parallel, there is a comparison of linguistic phenomena in different languages, for more effective learning. If the student does not know how to apply his past experience studying, especially in relation to the Japanese language. There will be difficulties, which can then lead to a loss of interest in studying. Even in comparisons of linguistically distant languages one can find some similarities, but there are two factors to consider. The first, is the ability to find a “fulcrum,” that is, those linguistic phenomena in different languages that are similar or similar, and the more languages a student knows, the more “support points” he has will be able to find. Secondly, you need to take into account that such comparisons can be mostly unscientific, but extremely effective.The main goal of this method is to compare linguistic phenomena - generalize knowledge and skills in different languages that the student speaks.For example, in the process of learning syllabic alphabet, you can offer students remember how they began to study the scriptures of their native language, where exactly just like in Japanese, you need to write each one sequentially letter. In the same way one can explain stylistic differences in synonyms, especially when comparing an original Japanese word and Chinese.The method of comparing linguistic phenomena is used whenever possible in language schools. If there are several students from the same country in a group. It will be easier to compare the linguistic phenomena of the Japanese language and your native language. Moreover, students can present interesting examples from your language, and how they compare with Japanese, which is also can help develop the language competence of all students in the class.It is impossible not to mention the research of L.T. Non-tipping, in which you can find justification from a scientific and methodological point of view of the structure and content of Japanese language textbooks for Russian-speaking students. In his manual "Japanese for Beginners", for the most effective language learning, she offers the following lesson plan: from the beginning, new grammar, word formation, vocabulary and intonation are discussed, then writing, followed by text 1 (monologue) and text 2 (dialogue), which are based on modern realities of Japan using current vocabulary and grammar, after the texts - vocabulary and exercises based on the material read, and only then comments on the texts, at the end of the lesson L.T.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Rejebova G.N., Kurbanbayeva A. METHODS OF TEACHING JAPANESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND AN OVERVIEW OF JAPANESE TEACHING METHODS // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1. С. 212 - 214. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12757 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12757

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