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Rejebova G.N., Chariyarova D.M.




the grammatical structure of the Japanese language has significant similarities with the languages of the Altaic group, however, some of its features may indicate its connection with the Austronesian languages, for example, the limited use of prefixes. Having analyzed the main features of the grammatical structure of the Japanese language, we can highlight the current problems faced by Turkmens students while studying Japanese grammar.   

Ключевые слова:
grammatical structure, Japanese language, knowing aspects   

The Japanese language is considered the most numerous and famous of the languages. As a separate language it developed around the first centuries of the new era after the mass migration from continent of Altai tribes to the Japanese islands, which gradually merged with the indigenous population, who in turn most likely spoke in Austronesian languages. The Austronesian family of languages includes Indonesian, Tagalog, most Oceanian languages.The large Altaic language family includes the Turkic, Mongolian, Tungus-Manchu languages and Korean. Thus, two layers of vocabulary can be found in the Japanese language, one has parallels with the Altaic languages, and the other with the Austronesian languages. Nevertheless, the hypothesis of the relationship of the Japanese language with the Altai language group was put forward in the middle of the 19th century. A. Boller, later it was also developed by G. Ramstedt and others. What concerns the Austronesian hypothesis, it was formulated in the early 10s. XX century E.D. Polivanov.The grammatical structure of the Japanese language has significant similarities with the languages of the Altaic group, however, some of its features may indicate its connection with the Austronesian languages, for example, the limited use of prefixes. The first thing I would like to look at is what grammatical meanings of the Japanese language are practically absent in the Turkmen language, since it is with their features that a Turkmen student which learn in University may have problems, since it is difficult for him to find an analogue in his native language.Such grammatical meanings include the degree of politeness, lengthy appearance, and direction of action. Japanese language teachers should pay special attention to these aspects in order to convey the meaning of grammatical structures as easily and effectively as possible. If we look at the situation from the other side, we can note that in Japanese, unlike Turkmen, the following phenomena are absent or presented completely differently: future tense, person, gender, degrees of comparison, perfect and imperfect forms of verbs, participle and subjunctive mood.It is also worth noting that there is a group of grammatical categories that may partially coincide with the Turkmen language, for example, cases, tenses, voices, etc.Once we have determined what basic grammatical meanings exist in the Japanese language, we can move on to how word formation can occur. For example, substantive words, which include nouns, pronouns and numerals, are declined according to certain rules using case indicators.In order to express the already mentioned grammatical meanings, the Japanese language uses suffixes that form synthetic (primary) forms of verbs, and auxiliary words that form analytical (secondary) forms of verbs. The relationships between words can be expressed not only by grammatical forms, but also by their position in a sentence.Another interesting feature of the Japanese language is the presence of final and non-final forms, which are used in relation to verbs, predicative adjectives and connectives. The final forms in a sentence determine the tense and modality of the sentence, but the non-final forms do not have similar meanings, so they need to be coordinated with the final forms in order to correctly determine the tense and modality of the sentence. Having analyzed the main features of the grammatical structure of the Japanese language, we can highlight the current problems faced by Turkmens students while studying Japanese grammar.First of all, we can put the difficulties that arise when conjugation of grammatical units, since the Japanese language has an extensive system of word formation of verbs and predicative adjectives. Considering the conjugation of verbs, we can distinguish 2 basic conjugations and groups with irregular verbs (?? suru do, ?? kuru to come). Each verb conjugation has 5 stems, each of which has its own value (negative, median, vocabulary, conventional, colloquial).   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Rejebova G.N., Chariyarova D.M. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF JAPANESE GRAMMAR AND CURRENT PROBLEMS OF ITS STUDY // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 1. С. 209 - 211. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12756 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12756

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