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Gurbansahedov B.




this article gives a brief overview of the criteria for classifying bank risks and also shown information about the different groups of risks associated with banking   

Ключевые слова:
bank, risk, criteria, method, registration, composition, exposure, transaction, strategy   

There are different groups of risks associated with banking. The most important criteria on which they are based are:– risk exposure,- type of commercial bank,- composition of the bank's clients,– risk calculation method,– bank risk level,– dividing the risk by time,- registration nature of transactions,- possibility of regulation,– risk management tools. Let's consider the features of bank risk classification based on each of the listed elements. Bank risks are divided into internal and external risks. The risks that arise as a result of the activities of banks and their customers and are dependent on the operations carried out by banks are called internal risks. The business activity of the bank's own management, the selection of a suitable marketing strategy, policy and tactics, and other factors affect its level. In this case, risks can be divided into different categories. On the one hand, internal risks are divided into risks in the main and subsidiary business of the bank. Risks in the main business of the bank consist of their most widespread types (risks on transfer, exchange, factoring and leasing operations, on bank settlement operations and on transactions with securities). Risks in the bank's auxiliary business include the risks of deposit formation, the risk of bank frauds, the risks of off-balance sheet transactions, the risk of losing the bank's position in the market, the risk of the bank's reputation, the risk of losing its customers, the risk of the bank's rating decreasing, etc. includes They differ from business risks in that they are only contingently, indirectly valued and defined in terms of lost profits. They are often referred to as operational risk. Internal risks, on the other hand, are divided into risks related to:- related to the bank's assets (loan, currency, market, settlement, leasing, factoring, treasury, risks, correspondent account risk, financing and investment risks, etc.),- related to the bank's liabilities (bets and other deposit operations, risks on bank loans),- depends on the quality of management of the bank's own assets and liabilities (risk of transfer, risk of unbalanced liquidity, insolvency, capital structure, leverage, risks due to insufficient capital of the bank),- related to the provision of financial services (operational, technological, innovation risks, strategic risks, accounting, administrative risks, fraud, security risks).Let's take a closer look at the last group. Operational risk includes the risks associated with the increase in the cost of bank services and the increase in daily expenses (for example, the risks associated with the inability to cover administrative costs). Technological risks are associated with the use of various techniques and technologies in banking. risks involved. These include computer system failures, SWIFT system failures, loss of documents due to lack of storage space or lockers, errors in system design, imprudent investments, lost or damaged computer equipment value, loss or alteration of electronic audit or logical control system. , system fragility, computer fraud, and the risks associated with the destruction or loss of computer data.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №1 (70) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Gurbansahedov B. CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFYING BANK RISKS // Вестник науки №1 (70) том 1. С. 8 - 10. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12174 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12174

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