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Bezrukova D.A., Kolomeitseva E.V.




the purpose of this study is to consider the issue of industrial safety of employees of closed-type mines. As a solution to the security problem, it was proposed to introduce individual or integrated sensors. The proposed system makes it possible to use the security system as effectively as possible to protect the enterprise from various threats   

Ключевые слова:
production, mine, individual sensors, complex sensors   

Analysis of production risks. During the study, dangerous areas and economic risks at an industrial enterprise were identified.Economic risks:1. Decrease in labor productivity2. Material damage to the equipment3. Loss of clientele 4. Idle productionDangerous areas:1. Tunneling drilling – rock collapse, gas explosions, equipment breakdown2. Loading and blasting of the face – destruction as a result of detonation and subsequent casualties or losses3. Fixing of mine workings – rock collapseSolution of the issue. Currently, in Russia there is a single-stage system of self-rescue of miners, which provides for the use of so-called self-rescuers and cannot sufficiently ensure the safety of people in the event of an inhospitable environment in mine workings. This is due, in particular, to the significant length of emergency routes for personnel to get a fresh stream of air. [1, p. 6] Changes in this system were initiated by the tragic events at the Raspadskaya mine, when two consecutive methane explosions (on May 8 and 9, 2010) killed 91 people and destroyed 300 km of workings. [2]As a result, additional and mandatory requirements have appeared in the Federal Norms and Rules in the field of industrial safety (FNP) "Safety Rules in coal mines". [3]As a solution to the given problem of ensuring the safety of miners, we offer the following solutions:1. Implementation of individual sensors. 2. Implementation of integrated sensors. Individual sensors for workers in the face. They are a network-powered device that transmits the location of employees to a dispatcher with the possibility of cloud data storage. The sensor also provides voice communication between staff, which can replace walkie-talkies and cell phones. Sensors must be issued to workers at the beginning of the shift.Due to the fact that the mines have a limited network radius, additional expenses are required for network wiring for the proper operation of the system. Due to the network connection, there may be delays in communicating with the dispatcher. Also, an individual sensor is necessary for each employee in the mine, which will increase energy consumption. Mine workers must be trained to use the sensor system, which may require additional resources. Collecting and storing data from sensors requires attention to security and privacy issues.When implementing individual sensors, the following positive aspects can be identified during operation:1. Monitoring the location and movement of employees in an emergency situation.2. It becomes possible to detect victims of accidents based on information about the last location, as well as an analysis of the incident and the actions of employees to further prevent such situations.Integrated sensors for workers and equipment in the face. They are a well-coordinated system consisting of the control of other systems, such as shaft ventilation systems, temperature monitoring and others. Sensors are attached not only to employees, but also to equipment. The technologies used in individual sensors also extend to complex sensors. Integrating a sensor system into a mine's workflow can take time and effort. The mine is becoming more dependent on technology, and failures in the sensor system can lead to downtime.When implementing integrated sensors, the following positive aspects can be identified during operation:1. Monitoring the location of cars, employees and time spent in a certain area2. The ability to inform the dispatcher about equipment failures3. Collision prevention of machinery4. Sensors can help optimize mining processes by continuously monitoring the condition of the equipment. This makes it possible to improve the planning and resource intensity of production5. Sensors allow continuous monitoring of various parameters in the mine environment, such as the level of gases (methane, carbon monoxide), temperature, humidity and pressure. This allows operators to quickly detect dangerous situations and take measures to prevent accidents.Conclusion. To sum up, the system of individual and complex sensors is universal at any facility. The integration of the product with the control systems of the equipment allows you to create an additional level of safety that can prevent accidents and reduce the number of victims. Thus, both sensor systems increase safety in mines, which has a significant economic impact.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №12 (69) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Bezrukova D.A., Kolomeitseva E.V. SOLVING THE ISSUE OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY OF EMPLOYEES OF CLOSED-TYPE MINES // Вестник науки №12 (69) том 2. С. 1143 - 1146. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/11524 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/11524

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