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Sizova Ya.D.




the article is devoted to failed states characterization, different approaches to the definition of the concept «failed state» considering   

Ключевые слова:
failed state, social functions, official government, revolutionary governments, civil wars   

The modern developed state is a certain model, technology, a set of management mechanisms implemented in social reality with different efficiency degrees. However, not all states meet these special requirements. With external legal formalization and sometimes international recognition, some states are functionally incapable. In the political science, when analyzing the most diverse processes, there is more and more talk about failed states. As a result, such a notion as «failed state» has appeared in the political science. There some approaches to the definition of the concept «failed state»: 1. A failed state is distinguished by the inefficiency of the executive power, local selfgovernment, the inability to exercise its inherent function, and to implement obligations to the population [1]. 2. A failed state is understood as a state that does not fulfill its «social contract» with citizens, on the basis of which the state is obliged to provide social benefits to citizens, and citizens are obliged to obey the existing legal order, as well as regularly pay taxes in return. The structure of government institutions in a failed state is underdeveloped, which is reflected in the impossibility of law and order maintaining, a lack of minimal social functions, such as medical care or general compulsory education [5]. 3. Politicians and experts often include stable countries in the group of «failed» or «fragile» states due to the undemocratic nature of the ruling regime, the dysfunction of the public government that cannot perform the tasks traditionally prescribed to it [6]. 4. A failed state is often characterized by the emergence of other centers of power besides the official government: revolutionary governments, terrorist organizations, drug cartels, pirate groups [4]. 5. Considering the problem of failed states from in terms of the interests of international security ensuring, the presence of factors that have a negative impact on the external world are the determining criterion for classifying a country as a failed state [3]. According to The Fund for Peace, the list of fragile states for 2018 includes: Yemen, Syria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Haiti [7]. The internal political situation in these countries has been remaining tense for several years. Some countries are stuck in civil wars. There is a loss of government supreme power, its monopoly on violence, which is reflected in the inability to ensure public order in the country, to fight crime, to solve the separatism problems. The political future of many failed states is their integration into various international associations. Defective states today can count on not only the rich political experience of their predecessors and contemporaries, but also on help of international organizations, structures of local and regional supranational integration. Network interconnections permeating various spheres of modern society’s life stimulate the formation of cooperation, solidarity, and experience exchange at local and municipal levels, which ultimately allow creating conditions in which defective states can solve their internal problems with a minimum of costs, choose and implement the optimal the trajectory of the civilizational development [2]. Thus, the generally accepted characteristic of «failed state» in political science has not formed. However, it is worth noting that failed states are dangerous, primarily because their governments do not control much of the state’s territory. The world community should focus on establishing control with a subsequent set of measures aimed at strengthening states and eliminating prerequisites for the territories return to a state of powerlessness.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (13) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Sizova Ya.D. FAILED STATE: PROBLEM STATEMENT // Вестник науки №4 (13) том 4. С. 9 - 11. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1152 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1152

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