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Sarsekeyeva Zh.Ye., Gavrilova K.V.




the article deals with the problem of formation of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren. The complex of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the studied quality is demonstrated. The levels of formation of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren are presented   

Ключевые слова:
cognitive activity, younger schoolchildren, pedagogical conditions, formations, levels   

Many teachers, psychologists and methodologists have been engaged in the problems of activating the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren in the learning process at different times.The works of T.I. Shamova [3], G.I. Shchukina [4], E.A. Komarova [2], L.V. Klimbey, N.V. Yadrova, R.M. Nurzhanova [1] are devoted to the problems of activation of younger schoolchildren cognitive activity.The process of activating the younger schoolchildren educational and cognitive activity successfully proceeds only under certain pedagogical conditions, which are understood as the formation represented by a set of psychological and pedagogical factors that provide the teacher with the opportunity to organize an active educational and cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. We consider the ability of a teacher to effectively manage the educational and cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren in order to activate it, to build the learning process taking into account the individual characteristics of the younger schoolchildren personality.According to the authors, the following conditions are relevant at the moment when studying any disciplines: involvement of younger schoolchildren in various types of active independent educational and cognitive activities; the use of a specially developed system of developing and creative tasks and tasks that contribute to the conscious and active assimilation of knowledge on the subject, the purposeful development of the student's personality qualities; organization of independent work of younger schoolchildren using the capabilities of information and communication technologies, interactive learning tools.Cognitive activity of the younger schoolchildren is evident in his attitude to the content and process of education to the educational-cognitive activity, orientation and stability of cognitive interests, in the quest for effective mastering of knowledge and ways of working. Therefore, changes in the nature of educational and cognitive activity of a younger schoolchildren can be judged by the following indicators: the ability to solve problems of a certain type (problems involving the use of known algorithms as methods of action; problems that require research or design of a solution method); the degree of independence of judgments, completeness of responses and the use of links to various sources; the degree of participation in the issues discussed; speed, quantity and quality of completed tasks; the degree of formation of logical methods of inference (generalization and specification, induction and deduction, comparison, etc.); the level of younger schoolchildren performance and its changes; in relation to additional classes or additional tasks; the nature and direction of the younger schoolchildren questions to the teacher; types of tasks and methods of activity that are preferred; the degree of younger schoolchildren participation in subject Olympiads.Based on the research of modern psychology and pedagogy, we can distinguish two main levels of activity: the first – activity with a predominance of elements of reproduction, the second - activity with a predominance of elements of creativity. However, this is the most General gradation.We distinguish four levels of cognitive activity development in younger schoolchildren.The first level is very low: actions when completing a task – only based on the sample; generalization-almost absent; presentation of the material-copying; knowledge of the material - at the level of familiarity with certain provisions; cognitive interest – episodic, at the level of individual facts; rarely refers to the materials of electronic educational resources prepared by the teacher; the organization of independent work of the student requires full control on the part of the teacher.The second level is low: actions when performing a task-by analogy, can solve algorithmic problems; generalization-empirical; knowledge of the material - is stereotyped, knowledge of theoretical and practical provisions is incomplete, the links between them are unstable; interest in the studied provisions is low, unstable; get acquainted with the educational materials of electronic educational resources prepared by the teacher; does not always complete the proposed interactive tasks on time; the organization of independent work of the student requires periodic monitoring by the teacher.The third level – the average: actions when performing tasks-the student is able to solve problems that involve the use of known algorithms as methods of activity; has the ability to solve problems that require research; analysis and generalization – at the level of individual theoretical positions; knowledge of theoretical positions-complete, correct interpretation of subject concepts and theories, but sometimes the student makes mistakes; interest in the subjects of study is stable, sometimes the younger schoolchildren shows interest in learning specific and general scientific theories; actively uses the materials of electronic educational resources prepared by the teacher in their educational activities; regularly performs the proposed interactive tasks; the organization of independent work of the student does not require serious control on the part of the teacher.The fourth level is high: actions when completing a task-the student can solve problems practically all types of tasks, the preferred type of tasks - tasks that require research or development of a solution method; analysis and generalization-the younger schoolchildren can independently notice the problem and find ways to solve it; knowledge of theoretical positions-complete, and operating them-free; interest in the subjects of study – a high, steady desire to learn specific and general scientific theories; actively uses the materials of electronic educational resources prepared by the teacher in their educational activities, participates in the development of analog materials; is able to independently find and select the necessary material in printed sources and the Internet; independent work of the younger schoolchildren does not require control from the teacher, the younger schoolchildren makes active attempts to build their educational trajectory: studies subjects of the mathematical cycle in online courses, participates in Olympiads.Thus, the number of younger schoolchildren at the first and second levels of activity development will significantly decrease. The third level of activity will be typical for half of the younger schoolchildren in the group. Also, there will be younger schoolchildren with creative level of activity and the number of such younger schoolchildren will increase in the course of time.The process of activation of the educational and cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren proceeds more successfully under the influence of the pedagogical conditions identified by us.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №12 (69) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Sarsekeyeva Zh.Ye., Gavrilova K.V. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF COGNITIVE ACTIVITY OF YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN IN THE LEARNING PROCESS // Вестник науки №12 (69) том 2. С. 629 - 633. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/11443 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/11443

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