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Shatokhin K.V.




the article deals with the formation and development of the system of voivodeship administration in Russia in the 16th century. The author indicates the main reasons for the emergence of the voivodship position. The article indicates the areas of primary distribution of the voivodeship administration. The system of military-administrative districts, which is typical for this period, is also described   

Ключевые слова:
voivodeship, Time of Troubles, centralization of power, military administrative districts   

Researchers date the origin of military commandership administration in Russia as a system of the 16th century. There are two different views on the emergence of such a local government apparatus. According to one version, which in turn is traditional, the reason for the development and establishment of this management institution should be considered the expansion of the Russian state, as well as the intensive development of new lands in the second half of the 16th century and the emerging need to control these territories on the outskirts. The prerequisite was earlier historical processes associated with the formation of a centralized state and the increased role of Moscow [5, p. 82-84].The Middle Volga region, according to historians, is the first area where military commandership administration spread. Adherents of the second group, at the head of their reasoning, pose the main question: why was the military commandership management system not limited to only the territories of the outskirts, but spread throughout Russia? [4, p. 21-24].The position of governor existed in the 14th–15th centuries on a par with viceroyalty, but their powers had a fundamental difference. The governor was responsible for administrative, financial and judicial power, while the voivode was the head of the military men who were recruited and sent to solve military problems if necessary. The military commandership administration is characterized by a bureaucratic nature and under the control of the Rank Order, this system replaced feeding with governors, who had the opportunity to retain income in their own favor, as a result of the development of the country in the conditions of a new socio-political picture at the turn of the 16th–17th centuries. According to E.V. Vershinin, the state created “conditions for greater dependence of service people on the central government [3, p.8].”Thus, already in the 16th century, the process of gradual formation of a system of military administrative districts began. The Voivode appointed the Discharge Order. It was also the dominant order over the territorial ones, which were the result of the unification of counties. In the emerging system of government there was a main city and secondary cities subordinate to it. The same thing happened with the governors, they were divided into rank (chief) and district (subordinate) [2, p. 265-267].Some researchers believe that the emergence of the voivodeship has a direct connection with the period of Troubles. MM. Bogoslovsky defines the main task of the governor during this period as the fight “with numerous foreign and his own “thieves’” detachments.”The need for strong representatives in peripheral lands such as Kazan, Siberia, and Astrakhan led to the emergence of a voivodeship in these places, whose responsibilities included resolving military issues and ensuring the transfer of funds to the treasury.This position proved its viability in practice, since the military-functional principle of power became the main trend in the development of management at this time. Voivodes were skilled military leaders whose tasks included not only managing military affairs, but also reconnaissance in the territory of neighboring states, diplomatic negotiations, and collecting taxes from colonized lands. This, for example, is evidenced by the tribute policy of the governors located in Siberia. At the end of the 16th century, courts had not yet been established in Siberia, and therefore the Siberian governors were entrusted with legal proceedings. They made decisions based on instructions from the center, based on existing precedent [1, p. 55-58].The spread of the military commandership administration system in Soviet historiography is justified by the “systematic strengthening of military commandership power,” which in turn is considered a “purposeful state policy.” One can quite agree with this assessment, noting that the formation of a system of military commandership administration began in the outlying, border regions of Russia, where, compared to the central regions of the state, the need for operational management was felt to solve the problems of protecting the territory and organizing life in conditions of constant external dangers [3, p. 12].


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №12 (69) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shatokhin K.V. THE FORMATION OF THE SYSTEM OF VOIVODESHIP ADMINISTRATION IN RUSSIA IN THE XVI CENTURY // Вестник науки №12 (69) том 1. С. 647 - 649. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/11276 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/11276

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