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Matveyuk A.A., Merker A.A., Nizhelskaya Yu.A.




the article investigates the translation of technical texts. The authors investigate the linguistic difficulties of translating scientific and technical texts. A translator is required to have good linguistic training, appropriate translation skills and deep knowledge of the subject. The authors reveal the main difficulties of scientific and technical translation and consider some ways and means of overcoming these difficulties. The objective of this study is to identify common linguistic and translation problems of scientific and technical documentation   

Ключевые слова:
translation, technical terms, standardization, certification, online dictionaries, terminology policy, calculus, priority principle, terminology base   

Solving the problem of communication between specialists speaking different languages has become particularly relevant in modern society. The need for a deep linguistic study of the theory and practice of translation of technical literature has long been beyond doubt among scientists. Technical translation is a complex task, the solution of which is associhnical text is that it contains a lot of concepts and terms that are absent or different from those that exist in the system of another linguistic culture. The general stylistic orientation of technical texts should also be taken into account.Such scientists as N.D. Golev, A.D. Kinderknecht, S.S. Alekseev, V.A. Alimov, etc. We have conducted a number of studies of technical translation and its place in translation science.V. Alimov refers to the translation of legal texts as a scientific and technical translation, that is, a kind of special translation in the field of professional communication with its features [1, p. 3].Despite the different approaches to the study of the translation of technical texts, it is necessary to note its specific features. A specific feature of a tecStandardization of terminology means standardization of linguistic and non-linguistic sign means. It is necessary to eliminate the inconsistency of the interpretation of individual terms in order to create a single technical language.To understand the problems of translating a technical term, it is necessary to recall the definition of the term. A term is a word or phrase of the metalanguage of science or practical human activity that has a clear and (if possible) unambiguous definition that requires special knowledge from the relevant professional field. [2.1]Impossible completely solve the problems that arise when translating technical terms. Only experts know the semantic boundaries of the use of certain terms. Therefore, for a high-quality translation of a scientific and technical text, it is necessary to master a wide range of vocabulary. It is the lexical composition of scientific and technical texts that is currently at the stage of the most intensive development. The translator must understand the specifics of terminology in both English and Russian versions, in addition, he must be well versed in the subject. Both scientists and some international organizations, such as ISO, have focused their efforts on finding ways and means to improve translatiAn important element of the methodology of standardization of terminology is the unity of concepts. So, each term should express only one concept (within a given terminology) and, conversely, only one term should correspond to each concept in the system of concepts of a given field of knowledge. Terms that do not meet the stated requirement are inappropriate.The difficulty of translating a term lies in its versatility, so it is possible to translate the term correctly only when you are well versed in the essence of the translated material. The same term can be applied in various fields of science. And its translation will depend on the area to which its application relates. For example, the word fine is translated as «прекрасный, хороший, нормальный». But in legal texts this word is translated as «штраф, пеня,денежный штраф».If the task of translation is to ensure equivalence as a commonality of the content of the original texts and the translation, then when translating special texts, special attention should be paid to terms, since they determine the informational content of a special text. Terminological difficulties exist even when communicating specialists who speak the same language. Therefore, in order to ensure mutual understanding, terminology is being streamlined and standardized. In accordance with modern rules on standardization of scientific and technical terminology, the main goal of standardization is to establish unambiguously understood and consistent terminology in regulatory documentation. In standardization, as in any field of scientific and practical activity, a clear science-based terminology is required, without standardization of scientific and technical terms, it is impossible to create regulatory, technical, design and technological documentation. Mutual understanding of specialists is possible only on the basis of standardized terms, concepts, symbols. However, currently there are more than 20 thousand standards for the organization of term systems in the world. Standards of technical terms of different levels have been developed. There are a large number of online dictionaries such as MULTITRAN.RU, IMTRANSLATOR.DICTIONARY, etc. The most popular is the MULTITRAN dictionary.RU, which contains more than 5 million terms. In addition to the general vocabulary, it has thematic catalogs, the possibility of alphabetical, morphological and phrasal search. Despite the existence of a significant number of advantages of using electronic dictionaries, some terminology problems remain unresolved. We state that electronic dictionaries meet the user's needs in accessing the necessary information, but they on. ISO (International Organization for Standardization, www.iso.org /obp/ui) was created in 1947. ISO's mission is to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services and the development of cooperation in the fields of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activities. "Terminology policy (terminology policy – a policy formulated at the level of decision-making in the language field, in the subject area or in the professional community in order to develop or regulate developing or existing terminology for various purposes) conducted by this organization is aimed at establishing unambiguous correspondences between national terminologies." [3.1 - 3] This organization has created the terminological database (bank) of data is a large array of terms in various fields of knowledge. The scope of ISO concerns the standardization of terms in all fields, except electrical engineering and electronics, related to the competence of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC, IEC), founded back in 1906. The terminology used, for example, in electricity, is 90% based on common assessment methods adopted in all languages that adhere to IEC requirements. In the creation of technical terminology, calculus has become widespread. T.A. Kazakova defines the calculus of the reproduction of the combinatorial composition of the composition of a word or phrase, when the constituent parts of a word (morphemes) or 86 phrases (lexemes) are translated by the corresponding elements of the translating language" [4 - 320], for example: low - noise engine – low-noise engine. The use of calculus often leads to various kinds of transformations: changing the order of words, case forms, the number of words in a phrase, etc. [4. 88] The advantage of tracing paper in comparison with a borrowed term is the same as between words with a motivated and unmotivated meaning [5.1628] However, standardization of calcified terms is not a guarantee of their unambiguous understanding by specialists speaking different languages, since compound words and stable phrases often have a meaning that is not equal to the sum of the meanings of these components, since the equivalents of these components are used in calculus, the meaning of the entire lexical education as a whole may remain undisclosed.[5.1630] This means, that the meaning of a calculable word may be misunderstood without further explanation. In addition, it should be noted that it is often impossible to remove tracing paper from European languages to some languages of the East. When choosing a calculus object, it would be logical to propose the principle of priority — to remove tracing paper from the term of the country where this concept first arose. However, terminology has already developed in many branches of science and technology. Consequently, this principle applies only to newly emerging technical concepts. But, since there is a constant appearance of a large number of new technical terms and abbreviations, the principle of priority of calculation can be widely used when creating new technical terms. In recent years, the harmonization of terms and term systems at the national and international levels has been increasingly applied. Without striving to achieve exactly the same terms in different languages related to similar fields of knowledge, representatives of the subject sciences are limited to the mutual linking of terms to varying degrees. The most important condition for achieving equivalence is the preservation of meaningful accuracy in translation and ensuring absolute identity of concepts expressed in terms of the source language and the target language. International standardization of technical terms helps to eliminate difficulties and shortcomings in the translation of scientific and technical documentation, although it cannot completely solve this problem. In conclusion, it should be said that neglecting issues such as standardization of terminology makes it difficult to find relevant information. Research conducted in the field of terminology allows us to talk about a search barrier when documents fall out of the search field due to incorrect use of terms. The solution of all tasks related to the system of unification and standardization of terminology in the areas under consideration requires long and purposeful efforts.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (68) том 4


Ссылка для цитирования:

Matveyuk A.A., Merker A.A., Nizhelskaya Yu.A. ISSUES OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION OF TECHNICAL TERMINOLOGY IN THE TRANSLATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TEXTS // Вестник науки №11 (68) том 4. С. 534 - 539. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/11124 (дата обращения: 18.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/11124

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