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Saken D.E., Mansurova A.K.




there is a ne ed to change the way that education is approached because of the increase in the use of digital media among youth. This article, which focuses on the profes sional development of educators, examines how digital media may enhance the quality of education and the ef ficacy of teaching. The study looks into how prospective educators choose to use digital media platforms utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. According to survey data, people prefer visual learning, including popular platforms like YouTube, Google Clas sroom, and Tik-Tok. The study acknowledges the wide range of experience levels among educators and recommends customized training and support programs   

Ключевые слова:
digital media platforms, education technology, pedagogical skills, psychological management, aspiring educators, online learning, educational technology integration   

The number of young people using digital media has increased steadily in recent years [1]. The acces sibility of the Internet has given a very strong stimulus to the widespread use of digital technologies, including in educational activities [2,3]. In this regard, it is neces sary to adapt education to changing conditions and demands. It is es sential for future profes sionals to familiarize themselves with the pos sibilities of digital education and to master them during their studies. However, young profes sionals may still lack the skills and competencies ne eded for quality work [4]. One method of profes sional development for educators is the use of digital media platforms for educational purposes. Digital media are defined as "forms of electronic communication (such as digital media websites and microblogs) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal mes sages, and other content" [5]. There are several core digital competencies for educators that include digital content creation [6,7]. According to the survey [2], the percentage of teachers whose training included the use of digital tools for educational purposes varies from country to country. For example, 62.7% in Cyprus, 51.4% in Hungary, 70.4% in Malta, while in Italy, Portugal and Spain the figure is les s than 50%. It is noted that teachers traditionally have extensive knowledge of their subjects and much les s knowledge of IT and digital pedagogy.Considering these challenges, the integration of digital media platforms into the pedagogical proces s becomes a very promising direction. Thus, these media platforms of fer not only new tools for learning and interaction but also create opportunities for developing pedagogical and psychological acumen in novice teachers. We are not saying that digitalization has diminished the value of traditional clas sroom learning. The digitalization of education combines both aspects: clas sroom learning and online learning methods [8]. The introduction of new technology into education can be frustrating, annoying and time-consuming for some, but in the end technology can 'open doors' to new experiences, discoveries, ways of learning, collaboration and development for students and teachers.In this article, we explore the potential and demand for digital media as a powerful tool to improve the quality of education and teaching ef fectivenes s. An important aspect is also to identify the most popular platforms used for educational purposes, as well as the skills that young teachers can develop integrating them for teaching. Overall, this article makes a valuable contribution to the debate on the intersection of education and new technologies, especially in the context of teachers' profes sional development.The research on this topic includes both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. Using a multi-faceted approach to data collection and analysis, we intended to provide a comprehensive examination of the potential and demand for digital media platforms to enhance the skills of newcomer educators. To obtain an understanding of media platforms used for educational purposes, an extensive analysis and review of available platforms was conducted. Existing research literatures were studied which have provided a solid foundation for the survey. A survey of respondents was conducted among various groups of participants such as undergraduate and graduate students as well as practicing teachers. The quantitative data collected from the survey was analyzed using statistical techniques to provide information on pat terns, preferences, and trends in the use of digital media platforms. This approach provides an ability to cover a wide range of opinions about the use of media platforms in education and learning.The comprehensive review provided insight into the cur rent state of knowledge and research on the use of digital media platforms in the context of enhancing aspiring teachers' pedagogical and psychological skills.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №11 (68) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Saken D.E., Mansurova A.K. INTEGRATING ONLINE MEDIA PLATFORMS TO ENHANCE PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS AMONG ASPIRING EDUCATORS: A PSYCHOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE // Вестник науки №11 (68) том 3. С. 514 - 522. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10939 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10939

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