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Hudayberdiyeva N., Gurdova L.




language is a necessary means of thinking, expressing ideas, and human interaction. With the help of language, a person makes sense of nature, the world, describes the image of the world in that language. Therefore, what makes a person a person, what makes a people a people, is first of all his language, his words that are deeply meaningful.   

Ключевые слова:
Japan language, important, collaboration, between, culture.   

The concepts and attitudes of each nation about the world and nature are connected with its language. Language is a necessary means of thinking, expressing ideas, and human interaction. With the help of language, a person makes sense of nature, the world, describes the image of the world in that language. Therefore, what makes a person a person, what makes a people a people, is first of all his language, his words that are deeply meaningful.Today, learning the languages of other countries has become one of the priorities of the state policy. A number of world languages – Russian, English, German, French, Turkish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Chinese – are studied in the country. For this reason, among the areas to be studied, the problem of studying the generalities of word structures, features and grammatical similarities of any foreign languages, along with the mother tongue of young people, plays a key role. Knowing more than one language allows you to see the world more broadly. Dictionaries and advanced technologies of modern times are of great importance in achieving the perfect language skills of students, in ensuring that they know many languages. Modern technical means offer young people new ways of teaching language, increasing vocabulary, and developing speech culture. Learning foreign languages also increases the ability to absorb new information. Japanese is one of the richest languages in the world. Currently, the strengthening of mutually beneficial, friendly, mutually beneficial political-economic and cultural relations with Japan, the teaching of the Japanese language has gained a wide scope. The fundamental basis of the development of the close and mutually advantageous relations between Turkmenistan and Japan at the current stage is, first of all, that they trace their roots back to the historical, spiritual and cultural commonality. Cultural relations between the two peoples have a special place. As we know, diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and Japan were established in 1992. Today, the 30th anniversary of Turkmen-Japanese relations is of particular importance. These diplomatic relations provide a wide opportunity for active cooperation between the two countries in the political, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres.Speech culture in many respects depends on the speaking (writing) person's own cultural level, good knowledge of literary norms and requirements of speech culture, vocabulary, ability to use language resources appropriately. The era requires our citizens to thoroughly master the literary norms and stylistic features of our mother tongue and to acquire knowledge of foreign languages along with the ability to use language resources appropriately.Turkmen scientist M. Soyegov learned that Turkmen and ancient Japanese languages are related languages. These are the characteristics of the Japanese language provides a solid basis for advancing the hypothesis.1. There is harmony of palatal labial residues in Japanese. Such harmony is characteristic of Turkmen and other Turkic languages. Turkmen and Old Japanese have the same number of consonants (9 and 8, respectively), while Japanese does not have a labial vowel. 2. Japanese and Turkmen languages have common syntactic properties. As in other Altaic languages, the arrangement of words in a sentence is similar. In both Turkmen and Japanese languages, possessives come at the beginning, infinitives in the middle, and nouns at the end. As L. Gurdova pointed out, one of the scientists who studied the kinship of Japanese and Turkish languages was N.M. In this author's work, along with valuable historical-ethnographic information, parallels found in the Japanese-Turkish lexicon are presented. This proves that there are many commonalities between the Japanese language and the languages of the Turkic peoples.For example: I went to school. ???? (watashiwa) ??? (gakkou he€)?????? (ikimashita). 3. In Turkmen and Japanese languages, not only the word structure is similar, but there are also several similarities and features. As an example of this, we can talk about the commonalities and peculiarities of the tonal division of sentences in the Turkmen language. 4. The division of sentence structure in the Turkmen language into groups is also present in the Japanese language. As we know, sentences in the Turkmen language are divided into simple and compound sentences. As in Turkmen, these sentences are divided in Japanese.When talking about Turkmen and Japanese relations, it is necessary to mention that the cultures of these two peoples are similar, as well as their passion for their national heritage and traditions, as well as their spiritual and moral values. The culture and language of this people is remarkable for its diversity. When you look at the rich and unique nature of the complex Japanese language, you will be surprised to see its similarities to the Turkmen language, that is, the features expressed through the Turkmen language.As can be seen from the example, studying the word structure commonalities, features and grammatical similarities of the Turkmen and Japanese languages will give us a great opportunity to strengthen the friendship and brotherhood of these two peoples and learn each other's culture in the future.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (67) том 5


Ссылка для цитирования:

Hudayberdiyeva N., Gurdova L. GENERALITIES AND SPECIFICITIES OF SPEAKING CULTURE IN TURKMEN AND JAPANESE LANGUAGES // Вестник науки №10 (67) том 5. С. 475 - 478. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10526 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10526

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