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Muhammedov M.




transnational corporations power the global economy by influencing change in various countries and regions, as well as global trade and investment. The article addresses the history of the development of transnational corporations, starting from the end of the 19th century, their structure, as well as the main directions of their activities. The impact of transnational corporations on the global catastrophe as a whole is assessed, as well as the impact on the economic situation, employment, income and environmental situation in home countries and in host countries   

Ключевые слова:
analysis, method, research, innovation, economics   

Transnational corporations (TNCs) are key players in the global economy, having a significant impact on international trade relations, technological progress and sustainable development. In this article we will look at the history of the emergence of TNCs, their structure and organization, as well as their impact on the world economy and global processes.

Transnational corporations are companies operating in the international market, having their representative offices and production facilities in several countries. They have a significant impact on the world economy, international trade and technological progress.

History and evolution of transnational corporations

TNCs originally emerged at the end of the 19th century, when European and American companies began to actively expand their activities beyond national borders. The main motives for this were the search for new markets, access to cheap resources and cost reduction through economies of scale.

In the 20th century, TNCs continued to actively develop, especially after the Second World War, when the process of globalization of the world economy began. During this period, many companies began to use new technologies and innovations to expand their presence in the global market.

Structure and organization of transnational corporations

TNCs usually have a complex structure, including a parent company, branches and subsidiaries in different countries. The parent company is usually located in the home country and controls the activities of branches and subsidiaries.

The influence of transnational corporations on the global economy

TNCs play an important role in the global economy by creating jobs, investing in new technologies and contributing to the economic growth of developing countries. They also facilitate international trade by providing access to new markets and products.

The role of transnational corporations in global processes

TNCs also play an important role in global processes such as sustainable development and environmental protection. Many companies are implementing environmental standards and social programs aimed at reducing negative environmental impacts and supporting local communities.

Today, multinational companies have a complex structure. They usually consist of a parent company, which is located in their home country, and many branches and subsidiaries around the world. The parent company controls the activities of all its divisions and makes key decisions.

Transnational corporations have a significant impact on the global economy. They create jobs, promote economic growth and development, and stimulate international trade. In addition, multinational companies are often leaders in innovation and technology, which helps them remain competitive in the global market.

Transnational corporations also play an important role in the field of sustainable development and environmental protection.

One of the main activities of transnational corporations is international trade. They provide access to global markets for manufacturers from different countries, and also facilitate the distribution of goods and services throughout the world. Thanks to transnational corporations, many countries have the opportunity to export their products to world markets and increase their GDP.

In addition, transnational corporations invest in the development of technology and innovation, which contributes to economic growth and increased competitiveness of national economies. They also play an important role in creating jobs and improving the standard of living of the population.

However, multinational corporations can also have a negative impact on the global economy, for example by monopolizing markets and restricting competition. In addition, their activities may lead to violations of human rights and environmental standards.

The key activities of transnational corporations are international trade, investment in technology and innovation, sustainable development and social responsibility. They provide access to global markets for producers from various countries, stimulate economic growth and development, and create new jobs.

However, the activities of transnational corporations can also have negative consequences. They can lead to monopolization of markets, restriction of competition and violation of human rights. It is therefore important to monitor and regulate their activities in order to ensure fair competition and protect the interests of consumers and workers.

So, transnational corporations play a huge role in the global economy and international relations. They promote economic development, technological progress and international trade.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (67) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Muhammedov M. THE ROLE OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: HISTORY, STRUCTURE AND INFLUENCE // Вестник науки №10 (67) том 1. С. 8 - 11. 2023 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/10088 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/10088

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